ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: ROSS10095o14
Semester: 2014/2015 winter
Name: Soils and Substrates in Horticulture
Major: Horticulture
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Piotr Chohura
Language of instruction: Polish / English

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student becomes familiar with theoretical and practical knowledge of technology horticultural plants growing, know growing media properties. Student is able to characterize physical, chemical and biological growing media properties and their impact on plant growth and development. Student is able to justify how chosen growing medium and technology production influence on yield and environment. O1-W04, O1-W08, O1-W09, O1-W015. Skills: Student kwon the growing media and evaluate its properties. He can make growing medium neutralization curve and water acidification. One can detect and asses growing medium quality on physical and chemical parameters (pH and EC) base. Student can collect growing media and nutrient solutions samples One can prepare the proper recommendation for growing medium preparation for chosen plants and asses the effect of used technology on products quality and environment. O1-U06, O1-U08, O1-U09.

Competences: Student is able working in team in laboratory with BHP regulations. One can shape and adjust the growing technology to make products with high biological value in environmental and people friendly way (O1-KO1, O1-KO3, O1-KO5).

Prerequisites: Soil science, Plant nutrition, Plant physiology

Course content: Practical and theoretical knowledge abort growing media and soils used in horticultural production. There are discuss origin, production and physical and chemical properties of growing media and his usability for particular plants. In practical activities students makes peat neutralization curve, water acidification and know nutrient solution preparation.

Recommended literature: 1. Handreck K., Black N. 2005. Growing Media for Ornamental Plants and Turf. 2. Raviv M. 2007. Soilless Culture: Theory and Practice

Assessment methods: Written test

Comment: Polish or English depending on the number of students and their nationality.