ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RRSS20104o15
Semester: 2015/2016 summer
Name: Biological progress
Major: Agriculture
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Renata Galek, dr inż. Dariusz Zalewski
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: A student has knowledge connected with the role of biological progress in agricultural practice. He is able to identify the main determinants of biological progress and to determine its level among cultivated crops. He has increased knowledge of modern technology for crops improvement and development of productivity and quality of agricultural products according to good agricultural practices. Skills: Students can obtain information from literature and databases, can properly interpreted them and use in agricultural practice. He can determine the influence of biological progress on the changes of production technology and also on improvement of quality and quantity of crop plants. Based on the results of the Post-Registration Variety Testing System and List of Recommended varieties a student knows how to find the suitable variety for geo-climatic conditions. A student is able to prepare alone an elaboration connected with biological progress.

Competences: A student is aware of the need for self-education and further improvement in terms of increasing knowledge and learning new skills in the implementation of the biological development in agricultural practices. A student understands the meaning of plant process domestication and improvement for the agri-food, pharmaceutical and intended for non-food purposes, as an alternative energy sources. A student is able to work in a group, which is responsible for the development and individual tasks. A student create proper ethical artidude in relation to the progress of biological solutions proposed by genetic engineering.

Prerequisites: Genetics and plant breeding, Agrobiotechnology.

Course content: The student will be familiar with the role of biological progress in agricultural practice. As part of the course quantitative and qualitative characteristics of biological progress in different groups of crop plants will be presented. He will gain knowledge about the applicability of basic research achievements including modern techniques used in crop improvement. There will also be discussion about ways of estimating biological progress. The principles implementation to the farming practice, including seed refining methods will be defined. The role of Post-Registration Variety Testing System and List of Recommended Varieties in the choice of varieties, depending on the cultivation technology and geo-climatic conditions will be discussed. The issues related to the biological progress and legal conditions in Poland and the EU will be presented.

Recommended literature: Postęp biologiczny w rolnictwie. Runowski H., Wyd. SGGW Warszawa 1997. Nalborczyk E. 1997. Postęp biologiczny a rozwój rolnictwa w końcu XX i na początku XXI stulecia. Agricola - nr 3. Materiały i opracowania wydawane przez COBORU. PIORIN, GUS. Szczegółowa uprawa roślin (praca zbiorowa), WAR we Wrocławiu, 2003 Nasiennictwo, t. 1 i 2. Pod red. Duczmal, Tucholska, PWRiL, 2000 Postęp biologiczny w hodowli, nasiennictwie i produkcji ziemniaka w Polsce, 2009. Mańkowski D., Cykl publikacji,. Cz I-VI, Biuletyn IHAR, NR 251, 253, 254.

Assessment methods: Control work required which includes selected content of the lecture. Knowledge to pass the written exam 60%.
