ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RTSS20221o14
Semester: 2014/2015 winter
Name: Engineering of agricultural machinery and vehicles
Major: Agricultural and Forestry Engineering
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 15 / 30
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Białczyk
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of computer applications of simulation methods in solving the issues of agricultural engineering. Recognizes factors affecting the durability and reliability of soil cutting tools. Associates and describes the practical application of statistical methods for evaluating performance of agricultural tools. Acquire knowledge on the use of vehicles and machines in various conditions of operation. He knows the design solutions used in modern agricultural and forestry vehicles. Students acquire theoretical knowledge related to technical solutions of particular groups of machines and equipment. He explains their impact on soil and plant operator. And describes the technologies associated with the use of work equipment analyzed. The student acquires the ability to apply methods of statistical simulation and engineering to support the evaluation of work quality, durability and reliability of soil cutting tools. Acquires the ability to draw conclusions based on the results of statistical analyzes and results of computer simulations. Able to choose appropriate statistical methods and numerical problem-solving, depending on the variables of engineering tasks. The student acquires the ability of selection of design parameters and operating vehicles to specific circumstances. This indicates the possibility of reducing fuel consumption by agricultural vehicles. Analyzes the profitability conditions of use of modern agricultural vehicles and specialized forest machines.

Competences: The student demonstrates understanding and application of numerical methods for analysis and statistical inference in the effect on the soil of agricultural tools. Recognizes the principles of correct assessment of the phenomena occurring at the interface of the tool-soil. Assess and explain the results of analyzes carried out using mathematical tools, information and statistics on the quality of work tools, their durability and reliability. The student demonstrates an understanding of issues related to the design and impact of various technical measures. Organizes individual work and selects the appropriate machine.

Prerequisites: Mathematics, statistics, science of materials, strength of materials, mechanics, fundamentals of machine design.

Course content: Factors determining the course and intensity of wear of cutting soil. Influence of exploitation on the strength of agricultural tools. The use of static and dynamic elements to solve the basic problems of deformation and movement of soil agricultural tools. Statistical Methods for evaluating performance of selected technical equipment used in agriculture. The use of agricultural equipment in the sloping and mountain areas. Rules for selection of the main operational parameters of agricultural vehicles. Development trends of modern agricultural vehicles. Modern centers of forestry machines. Construction and principles of use of equipment to work in small areas. Device design solutions for irrigation of selected surface.

Recommended literature: Dajniak H.: Ciągniki, Teoria Ruchu i Konstruowanie. WKiŁ 1979 Jakliński L. 2006: Mechanika układu pojazd – teren w teorii i badaniach. Wybrane zagadnienia”. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej. Praca zbiorowa: Wybrane zagadnienia regulacji i obsługi maszyn rolniczych. Wyd. SGGW, Warszawa 1993 Skrobacki A., Ekielski A.: Pojazdy i ciągniki rolnicze. Wieś Jutra 2006 Waszkiewicz Cz., Kuczewski J.: Maszyny rolnicze. Cz. 1., Cz. 2. WSiP, Warszawa 1996

Assessment methods: Knowledge: the written exam Skills: evaluation of completed projects, and oral presentation Personal and social competences: Evaluation the accuracy of selection of information, working individually and in groups, the discussion in the classroom
