ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: OŹES10056o14
Semester: 2014/2015 winter
Name: Mathematics I
Major: Renewable Energy and Waste Management
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 6
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: Dr hab. Wiesław Szulczewski, prof. nadzw. UP
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: The student has a knowledge of mathematics including algebra, analysis, functions of one and multiple variables, analytical geometry. Skills: The student can find information in literature, databases and other data sources; is able to integrate the obtained information, interpret it as well as conclude, formulate and justify opinions.

Competences: The student understands their limitations in gaining knowledge and understands the need for further education.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of mathematics at secondary school level

Course content: Matrix algebra. Complex numbers. Determinants. Inverse matrix. Systems of linear equations - Cramer's rule. Gaussian elimination method. Analytical Geometry in plane and space. Vector algebra. Equations of plane and line. Surfaces and curves of second degree. Elements of differential calculus. Limits of sequences and functions. Derivative of the function. Integral calculus and its application in geometry and physics. Differential equations and their applications.

Recommended literature: Mostowski A., Stark M., 1975, Elementy algebry wyższej, PWN, Warszawa. Mostowski A., Stark M., 1976, Algebra liniowa, PWN, Warszawa. Jurlewicz T., Skoczylas Z., 1999 (and later editions), Algebra liniowa 1. Definicje, twierdzenia, wzory, Oficyna Wydawnicza GIS, Wrocław. Jurlewicz T., Skoczylas Z., 1999 (and later editions), Algebra liniowa 1. Przykłady i zadania, Oficyna Wydawnicza GIS, Wrocław. Leja F., 1976, Geometria analityczna, PWN, Warszawa. Krysicki W., Włodarski L., 1998 (and later editions), Analiza matematyczna w zadaniach, Część I, PWN, Warszawa. S. Smolik, 2004, Zadania z zastosowań matematyki dla Akademii Rolniczych, SGGW, Warszawa. Jurlewicz T., Skoczylas Z., Analiza matematyczna 1. Definicje, twierdzenia, wzory, Oficyna Wydawnicza GIS, Wrocław 1999 (and later editions). Jurlewicz T., Skoczylas Z., Analiza matematyczna 1. Przykłady i zadania, Oficyna Wydawnicza GIS, Wrocław 1999 (and later editions). Jurlewicz T., Skoczylas Z., 1999 (and later editions), Analiza matematyczna 2. Definicje, twierdzenia, wzory, Oficyna Wydawnicza GIS, Wrocław. Jurlewicz T., Skoczylas Z., 1999 (and later editions), Analiza matematyczna 2. Przykłady i zadania, Oficyna Wydawnicza GIS, Wrocław.

Assessment methods: Knowledge: Positive tutorial mark, written exam and, in doubtful cases, additionally an oral exam. Skills: Selection of appropriate computational techniques for solution of considered problems. Social competence: The student recognizes the need for a precise formulation of the problem.
