ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BBS10061f14
Semester: 2014/2015 winter
Name: Biolog of wild and domesticated canide.
Major: Biology
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 10 / 20 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Filistowicz , dr inż. Marzena Janczak
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student: W1 - posses a general theoretical knowledge on existence of wild living canine [KB_W06; KB_W14]; W2 - knows animal behavior in a flock, food conquering, reproduction and reading of the progeny [KB_W07]; W3 - student knows contemporary methods on migratory evaluation and populations protection [KB_W14].

Competences: Personal and social competences (attitudes and behaviors): Student: K1 - systematically actualizes the knowledge on canine biology [KB_K01]; K2 - understands the threats of canine arising from civilization progress [KB_K06].

Prerequisites: Animal physiology and anatomy

Course content: Exterieur and performance characteristics of dogs and wild canide, rulet of breeding work running, genetic and environmental features influencing life of canide, dogs’ origins, ways of orientation, migrations of canide, law status, protection and reintroduction of wild canide

Recommended literature: Kuźniewicz J., Kuźniewicz G.; Psy w służbie człowieka, Wydawnictwo AR we Wrocławiu, 2003. Kuźniewicz J., Kuźniewicz G.; Metody szkolenia i sposoby użytkowania psów, Wydawnictwo AR we Wrocławiu, 2005.Kaleta T.,: Dzikie psy i hieny, Wydawnictwo „Wiedza Powszechna”, Warszawa, 1998.

Assessment methods: Completion of the course is based on the average assessment from practicals and lectures.The prerequisiteis to obtain an average of 3.0 in all established learning outcomes. Knowledge W1, W2 and W3 are verified during practicals, on the basis of two writen and rated tests (45 min.). On each of them, there are 4 questions (descriptive and problem) concerning topics discussed during lectures and practicals. Each answer is rated from 0 to 5 points. To pass the test, student must obtain at least 60% of points. Competences K1 and K2 are assessed on the basis of reports prepared in teams, including current information on Canidae presented in the media (internet, newspaper, television).
