ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IISS10256o14
Semester: 2014/2015 winter
Name: Hydroelectric power plants
Major: Environmental Engineering
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 7
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 12 / 24 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab.inż. Stanisław Czaban
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge Student knows the global and national water resources and their energy use; has a general knowledge about hydroelectric power plants and the possibility of their construction in Poland; knows the basic parameters of the hydropower plants; knows the hydrological conditions necessary for the design of hydroelectric power plant; understands the principles of selection of turbines; has knowledge of traditional and modern technological solutions of hydropower plants. Skills Student can characterize the Small Hydropower Plants (SHP); is able to estimate the basic parameters of SHP; can determine hydrological conditions for hydropower plants; knows how to design a comprehensive solution of SHP associated with related structures (weir, fish pass, shot); can choose the turbine and generator for SHP; knows how to prepare the concept of building of the plant and its equipment; is able to prepare a power plant modernization project; knows how to prepare drawings of the plant.

Competences: Student is aware of the impact of hydropower plants on the environment; can describe the results of their calculations and prepare conclusions from the scope of SHP; understands the need and can transfer to public knowledge and information about SHP.

Prerequisites: Fluid mechanics, computer aided design, mechanics and strength of materials, meteorology and hydrology, rivers regulations, hydraulic engineering

Course content: World water resources. Historical background of mechanical energy of water in Poland and abroad. Opportunities and goal of building small hydropower (SHP). Types of SHP and their basic parameters: characteristic levels, power of plants, annual energy production, time of use of installed power. The term of hydrological conditions on the energy needs: characteristics flows and their calculation (WWQ, SWQ, SSQ, SNQ, Qmax%, Qmin%, Qn), measurments of flow (flow volume, flow rate, the unit outflow). Solutions of SHP: weirs (dams, reservoirs, fish ladders, water intakes). Turbines for SHP and their characteristics (slope of the turbine, the flow rate and turbine efficiency, speed, model and exploitation characteristics). SHP technological solutions (traditional and current solutions). Building and devices of power station. Operation of SHP. Availability of funds and investment financing of SHP from European Union (national and regional programs). Hydroelectric power plants and the environment.

Recommended literature: 1. Biuletyny Towarzystwa Rozwoju Małych Elektrowni Wodnych (TRMEW). Grudziądz 2007-2012. 2. Depczyński W., Fanti K., Fiedler K., Kowalewski. Zbiór przykładów z projektowania budowli piętrzących i elektrowni wodnych. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Warszawskiej, 1973. 3. Dyrektywa Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady 2009/28/WE z dnia 23 kwietnia 2009 r. w sprawie promowania stosowania energii ze źródeł odnawialnych. Dziennik Urzędowy Unii Europejskiej 5.6.2009. 4. Gołębiewski S., Krzemień Z. Przewodnik inwestora małej elektrowni wodnej. Wydawnictwo Fundacja Poszanowania Energii, Warszawa 1998. 5. Hoffman M. Małe elektrownie wodne. Wydawnictwa Nabba Sp. z o.o., Warszawa 1992. 6. Kucowski J., Laudyn D., Przekwas M. Energetyka a ochrona środowiska. WNT, Warszawa 1997. 7. Laudyn D., Pawlik M., Strzelczyk F. Elektrownie. WNT, Warszawa 2000. 8. Lewandowski W. M. Proekologiczne źródła energii odnawialnej. WNT, Warszawa 2002. 9. Marecki J. Podstawy przemian energetycznych. WNT, Warszawa 2000. 10. Rozporządzenie Ministra Środowiska, z dnia 20 kwietnia 2007 r. w sprawie warunków technicznych, jakim powinny odpowiadać budowle hydrotechniczne i ich usytuowanie. Dz. U. Nr 86, poz. 579.

Assessment methods: Completion of project of hydropower plant, written exam
