ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RIPS10064f14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Decision support systems
Major: Production Engineering and Management
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: Dr inż. Julian Kalinowski
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: The student has the knowledge about decision – processes understands the meaning of information in production and services management process. He also has the knowledge about informational systems of management and about tools and systems supporting decision. Skills: The student can to define and analyse decisiom making problems in organisation with use of computer support, he can make computer models supporting decision making process in production and services and can interpret the outcomes of analysing these models.

Competences: Social competencies: The student is aware of the importance of economic, social, professional and ethical responsibility for their decisions. He is able to work in a team as the person responsible for the final result, and as part of the task performer. Presenting and interpreting solutions to the problems of decision-making in a manner understandable to non-specialists.

Prerequisites: computer skills, familiarity with Excel spreadsheet.

Course content: Data, message, information, knowledge; decision-making processes; information management; knowledge management; tools and systems supporting decision-making: tools and decision functions in Excel, information management systems – types, characteristics; the selection, implementation and efficiency of information system.

Recommended literature: 1. Adamczewski P. (2003): Zintegrowane systemy informatyczne, MIKOM, Warszawa, 2. Griffin R.W. (2004): Podstawy zarządzania organizacjami, PWN, Warszawa, 3. Kisielnicki J. (2001): Sroka H.: Systemy informacyjne biznesu (Informatyka dla zarządzania), Agencja wyd. Placet, Warszawa, 4. Klonowski J. Z. (2004): Systemy zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem (Modele rozwoju i właściwości funkcjonalne), Oficyna wyd. PWr., 5. Kopertowska M. (2000): Zaawansowane możliwości arkusza Excel 2000 (Ćwiczenia), MIKOM, Warszawa, 6. Liengme V. B. (2002): Excel w biznesie i zarządzaniu, Wyd. RM, Warszawa, 7. Masłowski K. (2011): Excel 2007/2010 PL. Ćwiczenia zaawansowane. HELION, Gliwice.

Assessment methods: Knowledge: audit works and credit. Skills: practical checking of the ability to analyse and solve decision-making problems with use of the computer software. Social competence: assessment of individual and group work, discussions during the course.
