ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RSSS10048o14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Microbiology
Major: Environmental Protection
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: Prof. dr hab. Stanisław J. Pietr
Language of instruction: Polish / English

Learning outcomes: Theoretical and practical knowledge about systematic, physiology and occurrence of major groups of microorganisms. Students distinguish major domens of microorganisms and metabolic processes related to transformation of organic and mineral compounds in environment. Students identifies biotic and abiotic factors affect activity of microorganisms including sterilization and disinfection procedures. Students knows safety rules and procedures in microbiological laboratory. They knows how to determine activity and presence of microorganisms in soil and water. Student is ably to modify activity of microorganisms in soil, water and during transformation of natural and anthropogenic organic materials. They understand the role of microbial processes as factors influencing soil formation, activity of pesticides and degradation of anthropogenic pollutions. Moreover, they recognize necessity of hygienic rules due to the fact of occurrence of potential pathogenic microbes in surrounding environment.

Competences: Students are aware of necessity of continuous education due to the fact of possibilities of occurrence of new pollutants as well new methods of biological decontamination of soil and water.

Prerequisites: Chemistry, biochemistry, botany

Course content: During the course students learn about major metabolic processes of microorganisms and the role of physic-chemical factors influencing its activity. Knowledge about physiology of microorganisms gave a background for understanding of the role of microbial associations in soil formation, transformation of natural organic matter, mineral fertilizers as well anthropogenic compounds. During the course they learn about the role bacteria and fungi as a factors influencing transformation of organic and mineral compounds in soil and water. Main attention is given to physiological processes related to nitrogen cycle, transformation of industrial pollutions and possibilities of use of microbial processes in production of energy based on renewable sources. The role of microbial associations for re-cultivation of post-industrial areas are also described.

Recommended literature: E.A. Paul, F.E. Clark „Mikrobiologia i Biochemia Gleb” Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2000, E. Gębarowska, S.J. Pietr, M. Stankiewicz, J. Kucińska, E. Magnucka „Wybrane zagadnienia i materiały do ćwiczeń z mikrobiologii” WUP Wrocław, 2010, Z. Libudzisz, K. Kowal, Z. Żakowska „Mikrobiologia techniczna”, PWN Warszawa, 2007

Assessment methods: Laboratory - writing report and writing tests Final writing exam (min. 60%). Final note (Laboratory 50%; exam - 50%)
