ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: ROSS10049o14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Horticultural market
Major: Horticulture
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. Maria Golinowska prof. nadzw. UP
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Student obtains theoretical knowledge and skills, which will enable him to organise the flower and vegetable market in an optimal way in the market economy.

Competences: Receiving credits for the course prepares for independent planning, organising, controlling and verifying the horticultural market on the national, European and world level.

Prerequisites: Prerequisites: economics (micro and macro elements).

Course content: The functioning of the market economy, agricultural-food products market, wholesale trade institutions, fruit and vegetable distribution in EU, consumers of horticultural products, marketing mix.

Recommended literature: Pizło W. 2001. Rynek owoców w Polsce i wybranych krajach UE. Wyd. SGGW Warszawa; Sznajder M., Przepióra A., Trębacz A. 1997. Marketing produktów rolno-spożywczych. Poznań; Uran S. 1998. Marketing produktów spożywczych. Wyd. AE we Wrocławiu; Kos Cz., Szwacka-Salanowicz J. 1997. Marketing produktów żywnościowych. PWRiL Warszawa.

Assessment methods: obtaining positive grade after semester 3 (obligatory) and written exam, minimum level of knowledge – 60 %.
