ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BHS20099f14
Semester: 2014/2015 winter
Name: Prophylaxis of Metabolic Disorders of Cattle
Major: Animal Science
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 20 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Robert Kupczyński
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student W01 - describes the pathogenesis of metabolic disorders of ruminants [BH2_08; R2A_W04], W02 - knows themethods of diagnosis and prevention of metabolic disorders of cattle [BH2_06; R2A_W03, BH2_07; R2A_W03], W03 - Characterized types of testsand diagnostic test results [R2A_09; R2A_W04]; W04 - Characterized the role of zootechnics and veterinary herd health management [BH2_02, BH_07; R2A_W03]; W05 - Describes the resultsof laboratory tests [ BH2_10; R2A_W05]; Skills: Student U01- Uses laboratory equipment microscope [BH2_08; R2A_U06], U02 - Shows ability to assess feed ration based on laboratory tests of blood [BH2_06, BH2_07; R2A_U06]; U03 - is able to use blood acid base-balance analyzer and interpret test results [R2A_09, R2A_U06]; U04 - use the programs diagnostic and prophylactic [BH2_02, R2A_U02; BH_07; R2A_U06]; U05 - Evaluates the risk of metabolic disorders [BH2_07, R2A_U06 BH2_10, R2A_U06]; U06 - working with a veterinarian and nutritional consultant [BH2_02, R2A_U02; BH2_07, R2A_U06 , BH2_10, R2A_U06].

Competences: Student K01 -Shows the need for professional qualifications [BH2_K01; R2A_K01; BH2_K07; R2A_K07]; K02 - Is aware of the responsibility for tasks performed in a team and able to manage a team [BH2_K02; R2A_K02]; K03 - Is aware of the introduction of new herd management tool [BH2_K03; R2A_K03]; K04 - Is open to new things in the field of nutritional physiology of ruminants [BH2_K07; R2A_K07].

Prerequisites: biochemistry, physiology, veterinary prophylaxis

Course content: The typesof metabolic disorders in cattle (pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention). Diagnostic and preventive programs. Blood chemistry in monitoring the health of cattle. The use of rapid diagnostic tests. Use of metabolic profiles to evaluate nutrition. Methods for early diagnosis and prevention of metabolic disorders. Acute phase proteins in health monitoring.

Recommended literature: Mordak R.: Monitorowanie problemów zdrowotnych stad bydła. MedPharm Polska, 2008. Kupczyński R., Stefaniak T., Jawor P.: Ketoza krów mlecznych: przyczyny, zapobieganie, leczenie. Monografia - Noworodek a Środowisko (część 3) pod red. T. Stefaniaka. 122-143, 2008. Kupczyński R.: Zaburzenia równowagi kwasowo-zasadowej u cieląt – problemy diagnostyczne. Monografia - Noworodek a Środowisko (część 3) pod red. T. Stefaniaka. 91-104, 2007. Rutkowiak B.: Zaburzenia trawienne i metaboliczne w stadach krów mlecznych. PWRiL Warszawa, 1986. Preś J., Mordak R. (red.): Wybrane elementy żywienia a problemy zdrowotne krów mlecznych. MedPharm Polska, Wrocław, 2010.

Assessment methods:
