ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RTSS20267o14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Functioning of the enterprise in the agricultural sector (economic and legal aspects)
Major: Agricultural and Forestry Engineering
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr Jan Spiak, dr Kamila Kwaśnicka
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge:  the student has a knowledge in the scope of legal and economic aspects of functioning of the enterprise in the agricultural sector, the student knows the terminology applied in the economics of enterprises and methods of economical analysis,  the student has knowledge about legal and economic structures and the institution within the scope of functioning of the enterprise in the agricultural sector,  the student has a knowledge concerning legal and economic conditioning with reference to the agricultural producer as for the entrepreneur,  the student has knowledge in the scope of legal and economic aspects of conducting agricultural activity. Skills:  the student is able to interpret economic phenomena and regulations of the law concerning functioning of the enterprise in the agricultural sector,  the student is able to assess the material and financial situation of enterprises in the agricultural sector,  the student is able to use the acquired knowledge in economics and laws in the agricultural economic trading.

Competences: - the student understands the essence of education in the field of economic and legal issues, - the student develops his communications skills in order to exchange knowledge in the law and economic field.

Prerequisites: (-)

Course content: Organizational types of enterprises in the agriculture, types of taxation, evaluation of equipping with human resources, property and capital, analysis of financial reports, progress report of economic operations of the enterprise, account of the effectiveness of an investment. The notion of agricultural activity, agricultural activity in the sphere of the economic trade, the agricultural economic turnover, entrepreneurs of the agricultural economic trading, registers of entrepreneurs agricultural.

Recommended literature: Duraj J. 2004: Podstawy ekonomiki przedsiębiorstwa, Wyd. PWE, Warszawa. Gierszewska G., Skowronek – Mielczarek A., Leszczyński Z. 2008: Analiza działalności i rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa. PWE, Warszawa . Sierpińska M., Jachna T. 2007: Ocena przedsiębiorstwa według standardów światowych. PWE, Warszawa. Szymańska E. 2006: Analiza przedsiębiorstw agrobiznesu. Wyd. SGGW Warszawa. Etel M. 2012. Pojęcie przedsiębiorcy w prawie polskim i prawie Unii Europejskiej oraz w orzecznictwie sądowym, Warszawa. Horosz P. (red.), Antoniuk J. 2009.Prawne podstawy przedsiębiorczości, Warszawa. Jeżyńska B. 2008. Producent rolny jako przedsiębiorca, Lublin. Stelmachowski A. (red.). 2009. Prawo rolne, Warszawa.

Assessment methods: Knowledge: credit Skills: credit Evaluation of the results of economic analysis of activity of agricultural enterprises on the basis of exercises.. Personal and social competences: evaluation of the communications abilities regarding to the exchange of the knowledge within the scope of the law and economic. The evaluation of correctnesses of the selection given to the information and interpretation and applying principles of managerial ethics.
