ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BBS10303f14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Herbs and Other Useful Plants
Major: Biology
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. Maria Pytlarz-Kozicka, dr hab. Marek Liszewski
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student: W01 - acquires knowledge connected with scientific basis of biology and cultivation of herbs and other useful plants. He also knows basic terms involving agriculture, botanical systematic, morphological structure and chemical composition, as well as application of herbs and other useful plants [KB_W17]; W02 - possess knowledge regarding classification and application of particular plant species and the latest trends in plants breeding. He recognizes and describes particular species of herbs, as well as knows differences in their usage [KB_W18]. Skills: Student: U01 - gains competences in assessment of sowing material and its usability, application in medicine, cosmetics and the order of acquisition. He can accomplish the tasks dealing with herb cultivation in laboratory conditions on his own [KB_U14]; U02 - student is able to prepare summary of results, process and analyze data using information technology, as well as work out the results in a written form [KB_U05]; U03 –can appropriately plan organization and the course of field research. Student is able to present acquired knowledge and put it into practice when cooperating with the representatives of medical and agricultural sciences [KB_U13].

Competences: Social competencies Student: K01 - shows interest in systematic updating his knowledge in the field of biology and related sciences, he understands the need of acquiring and broadening his knowledge [KB_K01]; K02 –is sensitive to nature, regarding it as a source of cognitive, esthetical, educational, economical and touristy values [KB_K04]; K03 - shows responsibility and takes care of laboratory equipment and collections of natural entrusted to him [KB_K08].

Prerequisites: botany, biochemistry, general genetics

Course content: Historical background of herbology and herbal medicine. Economical significance, therapeutically properties, way of obtaining and using herbs and other useful plants. Requirements of natural, cultivation technology,, types of usage and breeding, Basic elements of cultivation, systematics, development, morphological structure and cultivars. Students prepare presentation including description of herbal Raw material, as well as organs and parts of plants used in herbal medicine, according to specified guidelines.

Recommended literature: 1. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Jasińska Z., Kotecki A. 1999. Szczegółowa uprawa roślin. Wyd. AR W-w. Cz. I i II. 2. Sandurski M.E. 2007. Prawie wszystko o ziołach. Wyd. II, Wyd. DELTA 3. Carlsson P. S. 1985. Biologia plonowania. Red. Nauk. wyd. Nalborczyk E. PWRiL W-wa 4. Podbielkowski Z., i inni. 2003. Słownik roślin użytkowych. PWRiL. 5. Volk F. 2007. Zioła w kuchni. Wyd. MULTICO 6. Listy opisowe odmian rolniczych, Wyd. COBORU Słupia Wielka

Assessment methods: Assessment of tuition effects regarding knowledge: acquiring credit – oral – presentation of selected herb Assessment of tuition effects in the range of competences; works in the form of projects, presentation. Assessment of tuition effects regarding social competences: individual and team work, discussion during classes.
