ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RIPS20118o14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Size of area farm management
Major: Production Engineering and Management
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 0 / 0
Lecturer: Dr inż. Jan Spiak
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: knowledge: Students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on farm management . Able to independently analyze the macro and micro environment of the farm, its resources and the organization of production. He knows the resource assessment methods, results of operations and financial production of agricultural enterprises and the efficiency of investment. Able to obtain new sources of business funding skills: The student acquires the ability to use professional terminology in the field of business management. Can produce agricultural business management strategies. Knows how to effectively manage resources and plan for the development of large area farms. Able to use the methods of economic analysis in the management and financial.

Competences: Social competence: The student is aware of the importance of the agricultural enterprise in the conditions of the requirements of environmental protection and increased competition in the market. Able to apply the principles of ethics in the profession.

Prerequisites: Introduction to Management

Course content: Macro and micro environment of a farm, the rules of taxation in agriculture, resource analysis, evaluation of resource efficiency, organization, control of production and financial performance in the agricultural enterprise, methods of planning, corporate development plans, evaluation of the efficiency of investment, acquisition financing business development, issues environmental protection in agricultural activity, performance control, ethics in the profession manager.

Recommended literature: 1. Baum R., Wielicki W. 2004. Metoda SWOT jako narzędzie analizy strategicznej przedsiębiorstw agrobiznesu, Wyd. AR w Poznaniu. 2. Bieniasz A., Gołaś Z. 2007. Płynność finansowa gospodarstw rolnych w aspekcie przepływów pieniężnych i strategii zarządzania kapitałem obrotowym. Wyd. I , AR Poznań. 3. Gębska M., Filipiak T. 2006. Podstawy ekonomiki i organizacji gospodarstw rolniczych, Wyd. SGGW, Warszawa. 4. Pasieczny J. 2006: Biznes plan, PWE, Warszawa. 5. Runowski H., Ziętara W. 2006. Poradnik dla rolnika w zakresie prowadzenia rachunkowości rolnej i zarządzania gospodarstwem rolnym. Wyd. Konsorcjum Firm, Warszawa. 6. Skowronek – Mielczarek A., Leszczyński Z. 2008. Analiza działalności i rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa, PWE, Warszawa. 7. Szymańska E. 2007. Analiza przedsiębiorstw agrobiznesu, wyd. Wieś Jutra, Warszawa.

Assessment methods: Assessment of learning outcomes: written exam.
