ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RSSS10390f14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Plant biomass – renewables in environment
Major: Environmental Protection
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Kotecki, prof. dr hab. Leszek Kordas
Language of instruction: Polish / English
Erasmus contact person (course in English): dr Anna Wondołowska-Grabowska

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student has theoretical and practical knowledge of production and the use of plant biomass as renewables as well as its effect on environment. Student knows the effect of varying soil conditions on technology of cultivation of different crop species and their calorific value. Student has knowledge of processing and use of plant material for energy purposes with reduction of emission of adverse compounds. Skills: Student is able to distinguish crop species for biomass production. Student can optimize crop production technology depending on environmental features. Student can work out demonstration project how to conduct crop field for energy purposes

Competences: Student understands the need for permanent self-improvement in issues of renewables and non renewables in modern world. Student is aware of the possibilities and barriers in the use of plant biomass as the renewables. Student understands the need of sustainable use of natural resources to generate energy. Student organizes and conducts team work

Prerequisites: Botany

Course content: Energy policy determinants, description of renewables and non renewables. The effect of production and the use of renewables and non renewables on environment. Plant biomass. Presentation of plants focused on energy purposes – annual and perennial species. Demonstration technologies of species cultivation for energy purposes under varying soil conditions. Environmental limitations in plant biomass use as renewables.

Recommended literature: 1.Bocian P., Golec T., Rakowski J. 2010. Nowoczesne technologie pozyskiwania i energetycznego wykorzystania biomasy. BiOB, Warszawa 2010, ss. 463. 2.Buzar M., Galek R., Góra J., Grzyś E., Hurej M., Kotecki A., Kozak M., Piszcz U., Pląskowska E., Pusz W., Sawicka-Sienkiewicz E., Spiak Z., Szlachta J., Twardowski J., Zalewski D., Zbroszczyk T., Zdrojewski Z. 2010. Uprawa miskanta olbrzymiego. Energetyczne i pozaenergetyczne możliwości wykorzystania słomy. Monografia. Pod. red. A. Koteckiego. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu, ss. 186. 3.Dreszer K., Michałek R., Roszkowski A. 2003. Energia odnawialna – możliwości jej pozyskiwania i wykorzystania w rolnictwie. PTIR. Kraków – Lublin – Warszawa. 4.Gradziuk P., Grzybek A., Kowalczyk K., Kościk B. 2003. Biopaliwa. Wieś Jutra, Warszawa, 2003, ss. 160. 5.Rośliny energetycze. 2003. Red. B. Kościk. Wyd. AR. Lublin.

Assessment methods: Knowledge: written tests including contents of lectures and practices Skills: credit for project Personal and social competences: individual and team work, disscusion and level of activity during classes
