ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IPN10266o14
Semester: 2014/2015 winter
Name: Landscape development
Major: Land Management
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 18 / 18 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Jerzy Oleszek, dr hab. inż. arch. Irena Niedzwiecka-Filipiak
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: knows the definitions of landscape used by research groups from various fields; is knowledgeable about their local landscape; knows the rules of developing rural landscape as a way to maintain regional culture; knows the methods used to valorise landscape, can identify the scope and importance of landscape architecture; knows the basic principles behind the architectural design of public space in the village; Abilities: differentiates between the forms and types of landscape; knows how to read landscape; can indicate value relations between the components of cultural landscape; can determine the value of the effects of landscape development in the realisation of planning decisions; can interpret the perception level of landscape;

Competences: Social competence (attitudes): can determine the role and importance of landscape as a value of the local environment. Is aware of the need to care for, protect and improve rural landscape.

Prerequisites: design principles, planning and technical drawing, spatial planning, demography and the socio-cultural determinants of spatial economy

Course content: Introduction – the different definitions of landscape. The systematics of landscape – rural landscape, industrial landscape, post-industrial landscape, urban landscape. The functional components of landscape. The importance of the human vs. nature relation; including the information - energy - mass system. The evolution of landscape as a result of civilisational and cultural transformations. Adapting landscape forms to the psycho-physiological, cultural and social needs of humans. Landscape and information – reading landscape, the perception of open landscape. Methods of evaluation and valorisation of landscape. Landscape composition as an icon, the product of a place. Sacrum and decorum in landscape – sacred objects, including small sacred architecture (temples, chapels, passions, figures, cemeteries). The evolution of the cultural landscape of Poland. Methods of evaluating cultural landscape in the context of environmental resources. Protecting the natural environment and cultural heritage in cities and in rural areas. The structural elements and components of landscape, including: content used in landscape architecture. Elements of landscape, the interior, walls, boundaries, dominant elements, landscape reading and documenting, including tools such as: panoramas, silhouettes, perspectives, viewpoints, the composition of landscape. The principles of landscape development and design: natural forms, the role of water in landscape and the anthropogenic (historical and contemporary) forms of landscape. Green spaces as an element of landscape, including parks and gardens, manor complexes (authors and examples).

Recommended literature: 1. Bogdanowski J. 1998. Konserwacja i ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego (ewolucja metody), Wyd. Teki Krakowskie VI, Kraków; 2. Böhm A. 1994. Architektura krajobrazu jej początki i rozwój, Wyd. Politechniki Krakowskiej, Kraków; 3. Borcz Z. 1999. Krajobraz nizinnych wsi dolnośląskich, Wyd. AR Wrocław, 4. Borcz Z. 2002. Elementy projektowania zieleni, Wyd. AR Wrocław; 4. Drożdż - Szczybura M. 2000. Wybrane problemy ochrony krajobrazu kulturowego polskiej wsi, Wyd. Politechniki Krakowskiej, Kraków; 5. Konopka M., Pustoła - Kozłowska E., Matyaszczyk D., 2001, Każde miejsce opowiada swoją historię, Fundacja Fundusz Współpracy, Poznań; 6. Myczkowski Z., 2009, Tożsamość miejsca w krajobrazie, [w:] Fenomen Genius loci. Tożsamość miejsca w kontekście historycznym i współczesnym, red. Gutowski Muzeum Pałac w Wilanowie, Warszawa; 7. Oleszek J. 2007, Krajobraz wyludnionej wsi przygranicznej w Górach Złotych ”, Architektura Krajobrazu 2/15, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu; 8. Oleszek J., 2008, Analiza stopnia percypacji krajobrazu wsi górskich - próba oceny”, Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich, t. 8 Komisja Technicznej Infrastruktury Wsi PAN, Kraków; 9. Patoczka P., 2000, ”Ściany” i „bramy” w krajobrazie, Wyd. Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków; 10. Pawłowska K., 2001, Architektura krajobrazu a planowanie przestrzenne, Wyd. Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków; Rychling A., Solon J., 2011 Ekologia krajobrazu, PWN Warszawa.

Assessment methods: written tests, active participation in the seminar, multimedia presentations
