ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RESS10286f14
Semester: 2014/2015 winter
Name: Valuation of resources in the food economy
Major: Economics
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Jan Spiak
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Student is able to perform the valuation of the main tangible and intangible resources in enterprises of the food economy by using appropriate valuation methods. Acquire practical skills preparing valuation reports with the inventory valuation.

Competences: Student knows how to independently analyze and perform the valuation estimates operaty.

Prerequisites: Microeconomics

Course content: Subjects of lectures: 1. Introduction, terms concerning real-estates, enterprises, farmsteads and property assets 2. Legal basis of real-estate and treasury farmsteads valuation. 1997 Real-estate Management Act and further regulations 3. Valuation phases. Contents and form of valuation survey 4. Information sources in valuation process 5. Real-estate market, market types, market laws, types of market value 6. Valuation goals, its subject and object. Obligatory and facultative information types used in valuation process 7. Comparative approach – comparison in pairs, market statistical analysis 8. Income approach – investment method, income method, simple capitalization and cash flow discount techniques 9. Summation approach – appraisal by cost and replacement cost, liquidation cost, techniques: detailed of integrated elements and indicators. Technical and economical consumption of objects 10. Mixed approach – trace and estimation methods, accounting method 11. Other methods recommended by Real-estate Management Act 12. Detailed procedures of treasury farmsteads valuation 13. Farmsteads and agricultural enterprise valuation as a whole 14. Valuation of capital elements of an enterprise – methods and techniques 15. Professional standards for property appraisers Subjects of classes: 1. Assessment of the natural conditions of agricultural production 2-3. Application of valuation methods in determine the value of agricultural land 4. Valuation of non-agricultural land 5. Valuation of sowing and the crop (crop production in progress) 6. Valuation of the internal market 7. Valuation of plantations and orchards 8. Valuation of the livestock 9. Valuation of inventories 10. Valuation of buildings 11. Rules for the valuation of premises 12. Rules for the valuation of machinery and agricultural vehicles 13. Valuation of farms 14. Valuation of assets of enterprises. Presentation of the valuation reports 15. Business Valuation. Presentation of the valuation reports

Recommended literature: 1. Cymerman R., A. Hopfer A.: Wycena nieruchomości. Zasady i procedury. Wyd. PF SRM, Warszawa 2005. 2. Hopfer A. jako red.: Informacje w wycenie nieruchomości. Wyd. PF SRM, Warszawa 2003. 3. Kucharska – Stasiak E.: Nieruchomość w gospodarce rynkowej. Wyd. Nauk. PWN, Warszawa 2006. 4. Łaguna T.: Wycena nieruchomości gospodarstw rolnych. Wyd. Zach. Cen. Org., Zielona Góra 2001. 5. Prystupa M., Rygiel K.: Nieruchomości, definicje, funkcje i zasady wyceny. Wyd. Elipsa, Warszawa 2003. 6. Standardy Zawodowe Rzeczoznawców majątkowych. Wyd. PFSRM, Warszawa 2005. 7. Ustawa o gospodarce nieruchomościami z 1997 r. wraz z rozporządzeniami.

Assessment methods: Mandatory credit and appraisal exercises in the form of multimedia knowledge to pass 60 %
