ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IISS10570o14
Semester: 2014/2015 winter
Name: Water Management and Water Protection
Major: Environmental Engineering
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Pulikowski
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge Student knows the basic technical, environmental and economical determinants and has a general knowledge of the methods of decision-making in water management; knows the basic principles of management of water resources; understands the fundamental rules of the planning and management of water resources; knows the most important parameters that characterize the quality of the water; understand the rules for making water classification; knows the basic methods of protection of water against pollution and its reclamation. Skills Student can describe the problem in the field of water management in the form of decision-making model; knows how to choose the appropriate criteria for evaluating the conduct and acceptable variations and indicate the method (procedure) of selection decisions about disposable water resources; is able to perform the classification of water quality; knows how to develop general guidelines for the reclamation of the lake; able to offer basic technical procedures to ensure the protection of water.

Competences: Demonstrates understanding of the importance of access to water for the development of civilization; is aware of the responsibility for the efficient and rational management of water resources; understands non-economic importance of water to the society;

Prerequisites: meteorology and hydrology, law

Course content: Water-economic balance; Polish and world water resources. Planning for water management - the characteristics and principles. Multicriteria models of development and use of water resources. Dynamic models of decision-making in water management. Issues of regeneration of water resources. Tasks of the water management and taking into consideration the random factor in their implementation. Management of water resources in Poland - the Water Framework Directive. The types and sources of water pollution and classification. The technical basis for the protection of water.

Recommended literature: 1. Chełmicki W. Woda, zasoby, degradacja, ochrona PWN Warszawa 2001 r. 2. Ciepielowski A.; Podstawy gospodarowania wodą, Wyd. SGGW, Warszawa 1999. 3. Dojlido J. R. Chemia wód powierzchniowych, WEiŚ Białystok, 1995. 4. Mikulski Z.; Gospodarka wodna. PWN Warszawa 1998. 5. Paluch J., Pulikowski K., Trybała M. Ochrona wód i gleb. Wyd. AR we Wrocławiu. 2001. 6. Praca zbiorowa; Stan i wykorzystanie zasobów wód powierzchniowych w Polsce, IMGW, Warszawa – Kraków 1996. 7. Szpindor A., Piotrowski J.; Gospodarka wodna, PWN, Warszawa 1986.

Assessment methods: completion of 3 projects, 2 test, final written exam
