ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IISS10577o14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Natural use of wastewater and sludge
Major: Environmental Engineering
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 6
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Pulikowski, prof. nadzw.
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge Student knows the basic principles and conditions for wastewater and sewage introduction into the environment; understands the risks associated with natural disposal of wastewater and sewage sludge; is familiar with the applicable legal provisions relating to the introduction of wastewater and organic waste into the environment; knows the principles of design objects related to natural utilization of sewage and organic waste; understands the need to close the circulation of matter and use of substances for the production of biomass waste. Skills Student is able to assess the possibility of natural recycling of waste substances in terms of environmental and legal conditions; knows how to design basic technologies of selected organic waste disposal, calculate the parameters of the basic objects, determine optimal doses of sewage sludge or wastewater; is able to analyze the impact of the proposed solutions on the soil and water environment.

Competences: Understands social responsibility related to the handling of hazardous substances especially for people and the environment;

Prerequisites: Chemistry, wastewater and water technology

Course content: Designing energy plantations irrigated by wastewater or fertilized with sewage sludge. Technical and technological solutions of wastewater treatment plants using plant and soil combination. Dimensioning of individual elements of the sewage treatment plants based on quasi-natural conditions and designing. Natural use of sewage sludge. Disposal of sludge and waste from breeding facilities. Production and use of compost. Water and matter balance. The soil and the processes occurring in it during wastewater treatment. Legal framework for the natural recycling of waste organic matter.

Recommended literature: 1. Paluch J., Paruch A., Pulikowski K. Przyrodnicze wykorzystanie ścieków i osadów. Wyd. AR we Wrocławiu, 2006. 2. Pawęska K., Kuczewski K. Skuteczność oczyszczania ścieków bytowych w oczyszczalniach roślinno-glebowych o różnej eksploatacji. Wyd. UP. We Wrocławiu 2008. 3. Kuczewski K., Paluch J., Oczyszczanie ścieków bytowo – gospodarczych na terenach wiejskich w oczyszczalniach roślinno – glebowych. Wyd. AR we Wrocławiu, 1997. 4. Kutera J. Wykorzystanie ścieków w rolnictwie. PWRiL Warszawa 1988. 5. Kutera J., Hus S., Rolnicze oczyszczanie i wykorzystanie ścieków i gnojowicy. Wyd. AR we Wrocławiu 1998. 6. Paluch J. Oczyszczanie ścieków miejskich w środowisku glebowym. Zesz. Nauk. AR we Wrocławiu 1984. 7. Boruszko D. Przeróbka i unieszkodliwianie osadów ściekowych. 2001. Wyd. Polit. Białostockiej. 8. Krzywy E. Przyrodnicze zagospodarowanie ścieków i osadów, Wyd. AR w Szczecinie 1999 r.

Assessment methods: Completion of 3 projects, test, written exam
