ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: OŹES10076o14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Waste management
Major: Renewable Energy and Waste Management
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 6
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Andrzej Białowiec, prof. nadzw., dr inż. Jan Den Boer, mgr. inż. Jakub Pulka
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge:  Student has general knowledge in waste management, quality management, and business activity, including individual entrepreneurship: R1OŹE_W08, R1A_W05, InzA_W03, InzA_W04  Student has general knowledge in the range of natural environment, risks of its threats, and protection in global society: R1 OŹE _W10, R1A_W06  Student has general knowledge covering systems, technologies, techniques, devices, and tools used in waste management: R1OŹE _W12, R1A_W03, R1A_W05, InzA_W05  Student has general knowledge covering monitoring techniques, and tools used in waste management: R1OŹE_W15, R1A_W05, InzA_W02  Student has general knowledge about intellectual properties protection, copyright, and patent regulations, management, and use from patent information data bases, and knows basic rules of safety work in waste management: R1OŹE_W16, R1A_W05, R1A_W08 Skills:  Student can use basic informatics technologies for extracting, and processing of information concerning waste management: R1OŹE_U04, R1A_U03  Student can judge technical solutions, and analyses of factors influencing on people, and animals life, and health quality, and on natural environment state: R1OŹE_U09, R1A_U05, Inz_U05, Inz_U07  Student can solve engineering, and operation problems in waste management by using standards engineering procedures, including environmental requirements: R1OŹE_U11, R1A_U05, R1A_U06, InzA_U03  Student, under supervision, can do a simple research, and design tasks considering waste management field: R1OŹE_U12, R1A_U04, Inz_U01, Inz_U08

Competences: Social competences:  Student understands the need, and know the possibilities of permanent self-teaching (study of IInd, and IIIrd degree, post-graduate study, courses), increasing of professional, personal, and social competences: R1OŹE _K01, R1A_K01, R1A_K07  Student has concise of importance, responsibility, and results of the activity of an engineer of renewable energy sources, and waste management course, in aspect of responsibility of people life quality, and natural environment state: R1OŹE _K02, R1A_K06, Inz_K01  Student has concise of responsibility for own work and for acceptation of following of team working rules, and of taking the responsibilities for mutually executed tasks: R1OŹE_K04, R1A_K02

Prerequisites: Knowledge in the field of: waste classification, waste processing classification, physical, chemical, and biological waste properties.

Course content: Definitions of waste management components, fundamentals of waste management including policies, technological, and economical aspects, waste production minimization, by-products, waste data bases, waste properties – including morphological, and fractional composition, waste management in local communities, regionalization of waste management, waste collection, selective, and mixed waste collection, positive, and negative segregation, waste storage, waste transportation systems, transferring stations, waste reuse, waste recycling, waste mechanical sorting, waste biological stabilization, waste disposal, waste landfilling, waste thermal treatment, business activity in waste management.

Recommended literature:  Bilitewski B., Härdtle G., Marek K., Podręcznik gospodarki odpadami. Teoria i praktyka, Wydawnictwo Seidel-Przywecki Sp. z o.o., Warszawa 2003/2006. Rozdziały: 2; 3; 4; 8 i 9.  Poradnik gospodarowania odpadami pod redakcją K Skalmowskiego. Wydawnictwo Verlog Dashofer. Warszawa – uaktualniany na bieżąco.  Jędrczak A, 2007, Biologiczne przetwarzanie odpadów, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.  Kempa E. 1983. Gospodarka odpadami miejskimi. Arkady, Warszawa  Jagodziński K. 1983. Usuwanie i unieszkodliwianie odpadów stałych. Skrypt Politechniki Gdańskiej, Gdańsk  Leboda R. 2002. Odpady komunalne i ich zagospodarowanie: zagadnienia wybrane  Rosik-Dulewska C. 2010. Podstawy gospodarki odpadami.  Żygadło M. 2002. Gospodarka odpadami komunalnymi.  Baran S. 1999. Wybrane zagadnienia z utylizacji i unieszkodliwiania odpadów  Oleszkiewicz J. 1999. Eksploatacja składowiska odpadów  Źieńko J. 1998. Uwarunkowania utylizacji odpadów przemysłowych  Krajowy Plan Gospodarki Odpadami 2014.  Wojewódzki Plan Gospodarki Odpadami – dla województwa dolnoślaskiego  Law regulations (directives, regulations) -  Guidelines, authorities reports -  Professional journals – Przegląd Komunalny, Recykling, Odpady Komunalne  Scientific journals – Waste management, Waste management and research, …

Assessment methods: Lectures: final exam, Exercises: completing all projects, and exams

Comment: Exercises duration 2 h every second week. Protective gloves are necessary for morphological, and fractional waste composition examination.