ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: AGS10015o14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Principles of crop growing
Major: (Agrobiznes)
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 7
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: Dr hab. inż. Roman Wacławowicz
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student knows soil factors, indicates their impact on crop production. Student knows the possibilities how to control soil factors taking into account environmental and economic aspects. Student has knowledge of tillage, the methods of its simplifications and knows the economic consequences of such operations. Student displays knowledge of crop soil requirements. Student is able to describe the role of crop rotation in integrated crop production. Student knows which agricultural practices compensate simplifications in tillage and the lack of proper crop rotation. Student knows the rules for organic farming. Skills: Student is able to recognize seed material and assess its value. Student can plan agricultural practices in traditional and reduced growing system. Student is able to distinguish crops in different stages of development. Student selects growing system technology depending on soil-climatic and economic conditions. Student obeys the rules of good agricultural practice.

Competences: Personal and social competences: Student understands phenomena in agroecosystem. Student is able to work in team. Student appreciates the need for self-improvement and the necessity of training. Student obeys the rules of industrial safety during lab work and field trip. Student cares for equipment.

Prerequisites: biology, soil science, agrometeorology

Course content: Site for crops. Tillage. Simplifications in tillage. Cover crops and mulch in crop production. Crop planting. Seed material. Nurturing and harvest. Principles of crop rotation. Monoculture. Crop rotation diseases. Integrated crop production. Good agricultural practice. Organic farming.

Recommended literature: Ogólna uprawa roli i roślin, Świętochowski B., Jabłoński B., Krężel R., Radomska M., PWRiL Warszawa 1996. Zagadnienia uprawy roli i roślin. Krężel R., Parylak D., Zimny L., AR Wrocław 1999. Nasionoznawstwo. Młodzianowska D. PWRiL Warszawa 1984.

Assessment methods: Knowledge: written test + project for the entirety of tillage in different crop rotations Skills: The assessment during field trip (the assessment of site and the recognition of crops in different development stages. Projects, the recognition of seed material and its description. Personal and social competences: individual and team work, disscusion during classes
