ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RRSN20195o15
Semester: 2015/2016 summer
Name: The current systems of agriculture
Major: Agriculture
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 9 / 9 / 0
Lecturer: Dr hab. Maria Pytlarz-Kozicka
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student ngains knowledge o conventional ,integrated , ecological and precise agricultural systems, as well as new trends in modern farming. Possesses broad knowledge about cultivation systems in modern agriculture and about the most recent Technologies of production increase, as well as quality of crops yield. Recognizes and describes particular cultivation systems, explains differences bet wen agricultural systems. Skills: Stdent can do tasks, on hiis own, connected with plant production , elaborates projects for plant productionwithin the frazes of particular environment al conditions and different agricultural systems. Is able to prepare, by his own, written elaboration involving plant production and effects of agriculture on natural environment.

Competences: Social competences: Student is aware of responsibility of agricultural producer for the quality of produced food, as well as the state of natural environment. Student anderstands the need of continuous lerning and broadening professional competence. Knowi the rules of Zrunning individual enterprise in agricultural sector of economy.

Prerequisites: Prerequisites: General and detailed plant cultivation, stock science, plant protection , plants nutrition .

Course content: RBrief history of tillage and plants, trends in management systems, simplifications in plant cultivation and their significance in diminishing the costs of production, description of modern agricultural systems (conventional, integrated, ecological, biodynamic agriculture). Students are supposed to prepare projects of crop rotation with the description of elements of cultivation technology , fertilization and plant protection in three agricultural systems, according to given assumptions.

Recommended literature: - Biskupski A. 2003. Efekty agrotechniczne, środowiskowe i ekonomiczne w uproszczonej uprawie roli. W: Upowszechnianie zasad dobrej praktyki rolniczej. Mat. szkol. 87/03. IUNG Puławy, 151-172. - Borowiecki J., Podleśny J. 1992. Rolnictwo alternatywne i konwencjonalne w RFN. Fragm. Agron. 3, 96-103. - Faber A. 1998a. System rolnictwa precyzyjnego. I. Mapy plonów. Fragm. Agron. 57, 4-15. - Faber A. 1998b. System rolnictwa precyzyjnego. II. Analiza i interpretacja map plonów. Fragm. Agron. 57, 16-27. - Gozdowski D., Samborski S., Sioma S. 2007. Rolnictwo precyzyjne. SGGW, Warszawa. Granstedt A., Tyburski J. 2006. Współczesne europejskie systemy rolnicze. Fragm. Agron. 2, 72-95. - Kośmicki E. 1993. Tendencje rozwojowe rolnictwa na świecie i w Polsce. W: Rolnictwo ekologiczne od teorii do praktyki. Red. U. Sołtysiak. Stowarzyszenie EKOLAND, Warszawa, 39-54. - Kuś J. 1995. Systemy gospodarowania w rolnictwie. Rolnictwo integrowane. Mat. szkol. 42/95, IUNG Puławy. - Kuś J., Fotyma M. 1992. Stan i perspektywy rolnictwa ekologicznego. Frag. Agro. 2, 75-86. - Perspective Analysis of Agricultural Systems. 2005. Technical Report EUR 21311, Brussels, Luxembourg. European Commission, Directorate General Joint Research Centre

Assessment methods: Assessment of effects of education regarding knowledge – acquiring credit – oral/plusproject of thorough plants cultivation technology in 5-year crop rotation in the described agricultural systems Assessment of effects of education regarding skills: works in the form of project, presentation ppt, Assessment of effects of education regarding social competences: individual and team work, discussion during classes
