ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RRSN10240o15
Semester: 2015/2016 summer
Name: Biochemistry and plant physiology I
Major: Agriculture
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 9 / 9 / 0
Lecturer: Dr inż. Edward Grzyś
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: The student gains knowledge of basic biochemical and physiological processes responsible for the functioning of the cell and the organism as a whole. Is able to use the methods used in the study of basic biochemical and physiological processes in plants and assess their statistical significance. The student acquires the message associated with the change of organic compounds in plants. Clarifies the role of biochemical and physiological processes. Understands and describes the role of organic compounds in the functioning of the organism as a whole. Skills: The student acquires the ability to carry out simple tasks in research on biochemical and physiological processes in plants, correctly interprets the results and draws conclusions. Has the ability to take action by appropriate methods in diagnosing the correct course of limiting biochemical and physiological processes.

Competences: Social competences: The student gains skills in the determination of the content of basic organic compounds in plants, correctly interprets the results and draws conclusions. Has the ability to take action by appropriate methods in diagnosing the correct course of limiting biochemical and physiological processes in plants. The student is aware of the need for education and self-improvement.

Prerequisites: Chemistry, Botany.

Course content: Amino acids, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids: structure and function. Replication. Transcription. Translation. The genetic code. Regulation of gene expression. Enzymes: structure, kinetics, regulation of activity. Respiration. Biological membranes. Water in the life of the plant. Diffusion. Osmosis. Active and passive transport of water. Secretion of water by plants - Guttation transpiration. The functioning of the stomata. Mineral nutrition of plants - the physiological function of macro- and micronutrients, nutrient uptake. Photosynthesis. Plants C3, C4, CAM. Photorespiration. Growth regulators. Growth and development of plants.

Recommended literature: Bielecki K., Demczuk A., Grzyś E., Sacała E. 2001. Ćwiczenia z fizjologii i biochemii roślin. Hames B. D., Hooper N. 2007. Biochemia. Krótkie wykłady. PWN, Warszawa. Kączkowski J. 2006. Podstawy biochemii. Wyd. IV, WNT, Warszawa. Kopcewicz J., Lewak S. 2009. Fizjologia roślin. PWN, Warszawa. Kozłowska M. 2007. Fizjologia roślin. PWRiL, Poznań.

Assessment methods: Knowledge: Laboratory class – reports (mandatory), written exam Skills: Assessment skills for performing simple tasks of research on biochemical and physiological processes in plants. Social competence: To evaluate the accuracy of the interpretation of the results.
