ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RESS20083o15
Semester: 2015/2016 winter
Name: Statistical inference
Major: Economics
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 8
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. Helena Jasiulewicz, prof. nadzw. UP
Language of instruction: Polish / English

Learning outcomes: KNOWLEDGE: Student has a detailed knowledge from designing statistical data and carrying researches according to standards. Student knows techniques of modelling of uncertain phenomena and methods of estimation their parameters. Student has knowledge about verification statistical hypothesis test. SKILLS: Student is able to use the basic theoretical knowledge to modelling and analyzing specific uncertain phenomena. Student is able to correct make a research hypothesis and their statistical verification. Student is able to critically asses of own results of observations and theoretical calculations. He is able to to discuss of measuring errors.

Competences: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL COMPETENCES: Student understands and appreciates the necessity of permanent extending his knowledge and skills Student can work in the team with solving important economical problems.

Prerequisites: Mathematics and descriptive statistics for the field Economics, first level. Ability to logical thinking and solving of problems.

Course content: The rudiments of probability theory. Distributions of random variables and their parameters. Schemes of random sampling. Basic statistics and their distributions. Methods of estimations of parameters. Point and interval estimation. Statistical hypothesis testing.

Recommended literature: 1. S. Ostasiewicz, Z. Rusnak, U. Siedlecka, Statystyka. Elementy teorii i zadania. Wyd. AE., Wrocław. 2. W. Kordecki. Rachunek prawdopodobieństwa i statystyka matematyczna. Definicje, twierdzenia, wzory. GiS, Wrocław 2003. 3. H. Jasiulewicz, W. Kordecki. Rachunek prawdopodobieństwa i statystyka matematyczna. Przykłady i zadania. GiS, Wrocław 2003. 4. J. Greń. Statystyka matematyczna. Modele i zadania. PWN, Warszawa 1976. 5. J. Jóźwiak, J. Podgórski, Statystyka od podstaw, PWE, Warszawa 2009. 6. K. Kukuła, Elementy statystyki w zadaniach. PWN, Warszawa 2003. 7. J. Koronacki, J. Mielniczuk. Statystyka dla studentów kierunków technicznych i przyrodniczych. WN-T, Warszawa 2004. 8. L. Gajek, M. Kałuszka. Wnioskowanie statystyczne. Modele i metody. WN-T, Warszawa 2004. 9. W. Krysicki, J. Bartos, W. Dyczka, K. Królikowska. M. Wasileski. Rachunek prawdopodobieństwa i statystyka matematyczna w zadaniach, cz. I-II. PWN. Warszawa 2007.

Assessment methods: Knowledge: Written exam. Skills: Two tests for solving of exercises. Personal and social competences: Points for activiti during classes.
