ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: AGS10004o15
Semester: 2015/2016 winter
Name: Fundamentals of Economics
Major: (Agrobiznes)
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Krzysztof Rutkiewicz
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student: has knowledge on the subject, methods and functions of economic sciences, knows the law of the market economy, describes the behavior of economic agents, the functioning of markets and factors of production, defines the main categories and concepts of macroeconomics, Skills: explains the general characteristics of the management and operation of the market mechanism, interprets and explains the relationship between the main measures of macroeconomics, can assess the effectiveness of micro- and macroeconomic policies in achieving economic goals,

Competences: Social competences: is prepared to participate in the implementation of economic projects, can complement and improve the knowledge and acquired skills.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of mathematics, social studies and entrepreneurship at the high school level.

Course content: Market. The law of supply, demand, market balance, flexibility. Household. The theory of consumer behavior. Theory production. Perfect and imperfect competition. The balance of the company. Alternative theories of the firm. Competitive equilibrium theory and welfare elements. Markets’ production factors. Macroeconomic problems. Macroeconomic meters. Factors of economic growth. Business cycle. Determinants of national income. Keynesian model. The role of the state in the economy. Fiscal policy. Money and banking system. Inflation. Unemployment. State policy on the labor market. Open economy macroeconomics.

Recommended literature: Basic literature: Begg D., Fischer S., Dornbusch R., Ekonomia, t.1-2. PWE, Warszawa 1995; Czarny B., Podstawy ekonomii, PWE, Warszawa 2011; Jarmołowicz W., Podstawy makroekonomii, Poznań 2010 Klimczak B., Mikroekonomia, Wyd. AE, Wrocław 1998; Krugman P., Mikroekonomia, PWN, Warszawa 2013; Mierzwa D., Mikro- i makroekonomia. Kurs podstawowy, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego, Wrocław 2010. Noga M., Makroekonomia, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego, Wrocław 2009.

Assessment methods: Assessment of learning outcomes in terms of knowledge: The course ends with a written exam on lectures after 1st semester. Student is promoted if he receives full credit for this lectures based on two written tests and the preparation of an essay. Assessment of learning outcomes in terms of skills: Assessment of a written study and problem-solving related to theoretical/empirical economic data. Assessment of learning outcomes in terms of social competencies: Preparation of a written report.
