ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BŻS10050o15
Semester: 2015/2016 winter
Name: Cereals Technology
Major: Food Safety
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Radosław Spychaj
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: It has ageneral knowledge about raw materials and products based on cereals; Demonstrates knowledge of technology, production and processing of raw materials and products mill, bakery and pasta; He knows the technological processes of production of cereal-based foods; It has a general knowledge of the safety of the production of cereal products at all stages; It hasa basic knowledge of the condition and the factors determining the functioning and development of rural areas for food production at all levels; He knows the general principles for the creation and development of forms of individual entrepreneurship associated with food production at all levels. Skills: It has the ability to search, understand, analyze and use the information you need from the breeding documentation, agronomic, technological; Performs under the direction of supervisor simple task donor or the design of the wider farming and correctly interpret results and draw conclusions; Analyzes hazards and critical control points indicates the various stages of processing of cereals; It uses the methods of analysis and evaluation of raw materials and products of plant origin and animal feed; It can calculate the nutritional value of foods; Analyzes and interprets the results of food analysis; Shows an awareness of critical points in food production technology and the ability to eliminate the problems and threats occurring in them; It can interfere with the processes of food preparation at every stage of selecting the appropriate method.

Competences: Understands the need for lifelong learning; Is aware of the need to develop professional skills and completion of professional knowledge on the latest information on food safety; Able to work in a group, taking in her various roles, especially in solving the technological processes; Correctly identifies and resolves dilemmas related to the assessment of food safety; It has a sense of responsibility for the consequences of improperly conducted food production technology; Able to deliberately and consciously take action protecting the stages of food production in harmony with its safety and environmental protection; Is aware of the risks and able to assess the effects of implementing activities in regard to the agriculture, environment, agriculture and food security; He knows theimportance and effects of errors in the production of food; Students who acquire credits from the course knows the criteria for the classification of raw cereals and possibilities for use in processing. He can choose the appropriate parameters of production, he can judge the quality of the final product obtained, and the cause of the defect occurred.

Prerequisites: Chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, science of mechanics in food industry, food technology

Course content:

Recommended literature: 1. Jankowski S. Surowce mączne i kaszowe. WNT, Warszawa, 1988 2. Jankowski S. Zarys technologii młynarstwa i kaszarstwa. WNT, Warszawa, 1981 3. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Z. Ambroziaka.: Piekarstwo i ciastkarstwo. WNT, Warszawa, 1988 4. Praca zbiorowa pod red. T. Jakubczyka i T. Habera.: Analiza zbóż i przetworów zbożowych. Skrypt SGGW-AR, Warszawa, 1983 5. W. Obuchowski, Technologia przemysłowej produkcji makaronów. WAR Poznań 1997 6. Przegląd Zbożowo-Młynarski

Assessment methods:
