ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BŻS10059f15
Semester: 2015/2016 winter
Name: Shaping the Environment
Major: Food Safety
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. Maria Pytlarz-Kozicka
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student possesses knowledge about scientific basis of shaping the environment, He can describe the tasks to be fulfilled by environment al protection, effects of agriculture on natural environment and shaping relations between humans and the environment; Student knows the basis of environment al protection , as well as the influence of industry, transport and agriculture on degradation of the environment. Student is able to put into practice the knowledge involving environment al protection. Skills: Student can interpret and assess the results and hazards caused by degradation of natural environment, can make use of methods of balancing fertilization and determine the doses of pesticides and herbicides; can carry out , under tutor`s supervision, simple research tasks dealing with environmental protection and the effect of agriculture on natural environment, correctly interpret research results and draws conclusions;

Competences: Student is responsible for safety of the environment surrounding the place of plant and animal production in the view of producing safe food; Student show interest in systematic updating his knowledge about food safety, as well as broadening acquired knowledge; Is aware of risks and is able to evaluate hazards to human and animal health resulting from not obeying the rules of environment al protection;

Prerequisites: Botany, biochemistry, genetics, plant and animal physiology

Course content: Basic notions – natural environment, ecosystem, Acts of law involving environmental protection..Factors degrading the environment and their results. The meaning of soil in nature and human management. The causes of soil degradation. Reclamation of degraded soils – methods. The effect of industry on natural environment..Pollution of natural Walters and their effect on the environment. Sources of air pollution. Hazards to the environment connected with application of fertilizes. Pesticides, herbicides definitions, division, their meaning for plant protection active substances, toxicity, prevention and grace period. Legal regulations in plant protection, the rules of pesticides application. The occurrence of pesticides and herbicides remains in crops and food. Waste and its classification, recycling.

Recommended literature: 1. Bogacz A., Kabała C., Karczewska A., Szopka K. 2010. Zasoby naturalne i zrównoważony rozwój. Wyd. UP we Wrocławiu 2. Dobrzańska B., Dobrzański G., Kiełczowski D. 2009. Ochrona środowiska przyrodniczego. PWN, Warszawa 2009. 3. Ilnicki P. 2004. Polskie rolnictwo a ochrona środowiska. Wyd. AR w Poznaniu. 4. Karczewska A. 2008. Ochrona gleb i rekultywacji terenów zdegradowanych. Wyd. UP we Wrocławiu 5. Karg J., Karlik B., 1993. Zadrzewienia na obszarach wiejskich. Wyd. ZBŚRiL PAN, Poznań 6. Polski Kodeks Dobrej Praktyki Rolniczej. Gleba – woda – powietrze. IUNG, Puławy 1999. 7. Rośliny inwazyjne Dolnego Śląska. PKE, Wrocław 2007. 8. Siuta J. Gleba – diagnozowanie stanu i zagrożenia. IOŚ, Warszawa 1995. 9. Zagrożenia, ochrona i kształtowanie środowiska przyrodniczo-rolniczego. Red. S. Bieszczad, J. Sobota. AR Wrocław, 1999.

Assessment methods:
