ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BHS10314f15
Semester: 2015/2016 winter
Name: Basis of evolution
Major: Animal Science
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 7
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Leonid Rekovets
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Student has basis knowleges about plants and animal’s biology, knows the principles of evolution natural and home organisms, knows micro and macro evolution. Student analizes animals evolusional and biological breeding proceses, practices basis evolutional methods in nature and in breeding experiment.

Competences: Student understands nessesery of life long study, demonstrates understanding of the evolutionary processes in nature and in breeding conditions.

Prerequisites: zoology, genetycs

Course content: Evolution – biological occurrence, the history of the formation of the idea of evolution, Darwin's theory of evolution, artificial selection (formation of races) and natural selection, the history of the life formation, the history of the development of biota, the factors and mechanisms of evolution, micro and makro evolution, progression and regression in the evolution, evolution in onto and phylogenesis, law and regularity of evolution, the modern theory of evolution.

Recommended literature: 1. Kużnicki L. Urbanek A. Zasady nauki o ewolucji. Tom I, II. Wyd. Nauk. Warszawa, 1967. 2. Szarski H. Mechanizmy ewolucji. Panstw. Wyd-wo Naukowe. Warszawa, 1986. 3. Wainer J. Zycie i ewolucja Biosfery. Wyd-wo Naukowe PAN. Warszawa, 2012. 4. Szmalgauzen I.I Czynniki ewolucji. Wyd-wo Naukowe PAN. Warszawa, 1986. 5. Lomnicki A. Strategia ewolucyjnie stabilna. Kosmos, 36, 1987. 6. Jablokow A. Yusufow A. Ewolucyonnoje uczenije. Moskwa, 1981. 7. Dzik J. Dzieje życia na Ziemi. Wyd-wo Naukowe PAN. Warszawa, 2013. 8. Krzanowska H. Zarys mechanizmów ewolucji. Warszawa. 2002. 9.Futujma D.J. Ewolucja. Wyd-wo. Un-tu Warszaw. 2008r. 10.Szmalgauzen I.I Problemy darwinizmu. Leningrad. Nauka, 1969. 11.Kordjum J. Ewolucja biosfery. Kiev, Naukowa Dumka, 1982. 12.Kimura M. Ewolucja molekularna i teoria neutralności. Moskwa, Nauka, 1977. 13.Krasilow V. Nereszonnyje problemy teorii ewolucji. Wladiwostok, Nauka, 1986. 14.Dawkins J. Samolubny gen. Memetyka. Warszawa, 1988.

Assessment methods:
