ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: OŹES10070f15
Semester: 2015/2016 summer
Name: Design of waste landfilling
Major: Renewable Energy and Waste Management
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 6
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Andrzej Białowiec, prof. nadzw.
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge:  Student has general knowledge in designing of systems, and devices for waste landfilling: R1OŹE _W05, R1A_W05, InzA_WO2  Student has general knowledge covering economy of waste landfilling: R1OŹE _W07, InzA_WO3  Student has general knowledge covering systems, technologies, techniques, devices, and tools used in landfill designing: R1OŹE _W12, R1A_W03, R1A_W05, InzA_W05 Skills:  Student can extract information data from literature review, data bases, and other sources; can integrate gathered information, may do the theirs interpretations, summaries, and put an opinions with justification: R1OZE_U01, R1A_U01, R1A_U03, InzA_U01  Student can do the identification, and characterizes the specificity of simple engineering tasks, prepares a technical documentation concerning engineering task execution, and prepares the report containing the description of results from task execution R1OŹE_U03, R1A_U04, InzA_U06  Student can use basic informatics technologies for extracting, and processing of information concerning waste landfilling: R1OŹE_U04, R1A_U03  Student can solve engineering, and operation problems of waste landfilling by using standards engineering procedures, including environmental requirements: R1OŹE_U11, R1A_U05, R1A_U06, InzA_U03, InzA_U08  Student can do the initial waste landfilling business plan: R1OŹE_U13, R1A_U04, InzA_U04

Competences: Social competences:  Student has concise of importance, responsibility, and results of the activity of an engineer of renewable energy sources, and waste management course, in aspect of responsibility of people life quality, and natural environment state: R1OŹE _K02, R1A_K06, Inz_K01  Student has concise how to deal with in professional way, to follow the professional ethics, and to respect of the society wellness: R1OŹE_K03, R1A_K04  Student has concise of responsibility for own work and for acceptation of following of team working rules, and of taking the responsibilities for mutually executed tasks: R1OŹE_K04, R1A_K02

Prerequisites: Knowledge in the field of: geo-technics, hydrogeology, microorganisms development, and life cycle, factors affecting the ratio of biochemical processes, physical, chemical, and biological waste properties, waste classification, waste processing classification.

Course content: Definitions of waste disposal processes, type of landfills, law, and technical requirements of construction, operation, and closing of landfills regulations, technical, and functional solutions for landfills protection against their impact on water, air, soil, and acoustic environment.

Recommended literature:  Bilitewski B., Härdtle G., Marek K., Podręcznik gospodarki odpadami. Teoria i praktyka, Wydawnictwo Seidel-Przywecki Sp. z o.o., Warszawa 2003/2006.  Jędrczak A, 2007, Biologiczne przetwarzanie odpadów, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.  Law regulations (directives, regulations) -  Guidelines, authorities reports -  Proffessional journals – Przegląd Komunalny, Odpady Komunalne  Scientific journals – Waste management, Waste management and research, …

Assessment methods: Lectures: passing all exams, Exercises: completing all projects

Comment: Exercises duration 2 h every second week.