ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RSSS10361o15
Semester: 2015/2016 summer
Name: Physics 2
Major: Environmental Protection
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 0 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Janina Gabrielska
Language of instruction: Polish / English

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: the Student has general knowledge on the theoretical and practical recognition of phenomena and physical processes occurring in micro- and macro-world. Explains the functioning of physics laws in the development of environmental phenomena. Associates and describes the application of physical knowledge in technology and everyday life. Estimates the effects of the laws of physics in Nature. Skills: the Student acquires the ability to perform basic calculations. He has the ability to search for and use different calculation methods. He performs laboratory tests, studies and analyzes the physical results obtained.

Competences: Attitude : the Student shows understanding of physical phenomena occurring in Nature and everyday life. Organizes team work for carrying out calculations and study . Observes safety rules while carrying out laboratory measurements. Is responsible for laboratory equipment entrusted to him. Appreciates the need for self-improvement and the need for further training.

Prerequisites: mathematics

Course content: Knowledge on elements of classical mechanics, hydro-mechanics, gravity, wave and geometric optics, wave phenomena (including acoustic and electromagnetic waves), thermodynamics, vibrating systems, electrical and magnetic properties of matter, elements of nuclear physics and the phenomenon of radioactivity.

Recommended literature: Halliday D, Resnick R., Walker J ”Podstawy fizyki”, PWN, 2003 Skorko M., „Fizyka”, WNT, 1990 Bobrowski Cz. „Fizyka” (kurs podstawowy), WNT, 1995 Przestalski S.: Elementy fizyki, biofizyki i agrofizyki, Wyd. U. Wr. 2001 Jezierski K, Kołodka B, Sierański K. Fizyka cz. I. Repetytorium. Skrypt do zajęć z fizyki dla studentów I roku Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Jędrzejewski J,. Kruczek A. Kujawski W. Zbiór zadań z fizyki Kleszczyńska H., Kilian M., Kuczera J. Laboratorium fizyki, biofizyki i agrofizyki, Wyd. U.P. Wrocław 2009.

Assessment methods: Credits for laboratory and problem solving classes after 1st and 2nd semester. Written examination – 1st take, written-oral exam – 2nd take after 2nd semesters. Minimum knowledge to pass 60%
