ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BBS10073o15
Semester: 2015/2016 summer
Name: Immunology
Major: Biology
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Nowacki
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student: W1 – explains basic mechanisms of specific immunity and nonspecific resistance mechanisms including anti-infective and anti-parasitic [KB_W07]; W2 - describes basic elements of the immune recognition and immune response against foreign antigens on their own, and molecular and cellular level [KB_W05]; W3 - describes the fundamental processes of immune dysfunction [KB_W05]; W4 - student explains principles and effects of active immunization [KB_W05, KB_W07]. Skills: Student: U1 - uses the specialized terminology that describes the phenomena of immunological response [KB_U06]; U2 - explains the rules, interprets results and performs simple immunoassays [KB_U01, KB_U12]; U3 - uses the basic laboratory equipment [KB_U06]; U4 - analyze biological functions of a complex system as is the immune system [KB_U06].

Competences: Personal competence Student: K1 - is aware of the responsibility for the tasks commonly performed in the team [KB_K02]; K2 - has responsibility for the entrusted equipment [KB_K08];

Prerequisites: biochemistry, cell biology

Course content: Structural basis of immune response, mucosal immunity, blood lymphocytes, nonspecific immunity, antigen-antibody reaction, immune recognition receptors, the maturation of lymphocytes, the effects of antigen recognition by lymphocytes, signaling pathways, effector mechanisms, immune tolerance, active immunization, hypersensitivity reactions

Recommended literature: 1. Gołąb J., Jakóbisiak M., Lasek W., Stokłosa T Immunologia wyd.5 zmienione, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2009 2. Male D., Brostoff J., Roth D.B., Roitt I. Immunologia 7 ed. Elsevier Urban&Partner, Wrocław, 2008 3. Ptak, M. Ptak, M. Szczepanik. Podstawy Immunologii . Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, PZWL, Warszawa, 2008 4. Kątnik-Prastowska. Immunochemia w biologii medycznej. Metody laboratoryjne. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2009

Assessment methods: Completion of the course: The presence of the exercises is obligatory, the student may have only one unauthorized absence. In the case of excused absences the student is required to pass the relevant part of the material. Completion of exercises is based on the average of the current short tests before exercise and on the average of two tests covering the material presented in lectures and exercises. If the test is not included in the first term the student has the right to correct any test in w
