ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BHS10046o15
Semester: 2015/2016 summer
Name: Rearing and Breeding of Selected Useful Insects
Major: Animal Science
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. Adam Roman, prof. nadzw.
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: W01 – student can define the position of chosen productive insects in the world of living organisms [BH1_W06]; W02 – student can describe structure, physiology and vital function of bee pollinators and silkworm [BH1_W011]; W03 – student can describe bee functioning in the environment [BH1_W01, BH1_W06; BH1_W08; BH1_W07; BH1_W18; BH1_W19]; W04 – student can describe the basic apiary management and can explain the influence of weather and environment on the colony life [BH1_W07; BH1_W15]; W05 – student can describe basic rules of marketing and sales of honey bee and silkworms products [BH1_W21]; Skills: U01 – student is able to conduct basic methods of commercial rearing and breeding of bee pollinators (honeybees, bumblebees and some solitary bee species) [BH1_U12]; U02 – student knows how to perform the work in apiary and is able to review bee nests [BH1_U06]; U03 – student knows how to do the apiary project or make a breeding plan of bee pollinators [BH1_U15; BH1_U17].

Competences: Personal and social competencies (attitudes and behaviors): K01 – student can discuss topics connected with the role of useful insects in the environment and the need of their protection [BH1_K04; BH1_K06]; K02 - student treats animals in responsible way [BH1_K03]; K03 – student can take responsibility for equipment [BH1_K08]; K04 – student keeps safety rules when canducting apiary work and when working with stinging bees [BH1_K08; BH1_K11]; K05 – student can understand the need of protecting bees against man-made pollution [BH1_K05; BH1_K08].

Prerequisites: zoology, botany

Course content: Systematics of bee species, environment of bees life, the economic meaning of honeybees, the bumblebees and the solitary bees, biolog of honeybees, beekeeping technology, diseases and pest of bees,basic information of breeding and genetics of bees, rearing of queens, breeding methods of bumblebees and solitary bees, plant species representing the food for bees, systematics of silkworm and the environment of his life, biology and breeding of silkworm, silkworm's food base. .

Recommended literature: 1. Banaszak J.: Pszczoły i zapylanie roślin; PWRiL Oddz. w Poznaniu, 1987. 2. Gałuszka H.: Podstawy pszczelnictwa; skrypt dla szkół wyższych, Kraków, 1983. 3. Kostecki R., Tomaszewska B.: Choroby i szkodniki pszczół; PWRiL, Warszawa, 1987, wyd. II poprawione i uzupełnione. 4. Ostrowska W.: Gospodarka pasieczna; PWRiL, Warszawa, 1985, Wyd. III poprawione i uzupełnione. 5. Pidek A.: Wychów matek pszczelich; PWRiL, Warszawa, 1987. 6. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Prabuckiego J.: Pszczelnictwo; Wydawnictwo Promocyjne „Albatros”, Szczecin, 1998. 7. Roman A.: Podstawy pszczelarstwa. Wyd. AR Wrocław, 2006. 8. Skowronek W.: Pszczelnictwo; Instytut Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa Oddział Pszczelnictwa, Pszczelnicze Towarzystwo Naukowe, Puławy, 2001. 9. Wojtacki M.: Produkty pszczele i przetwory miodowe; wyd. VI, PWRiL, Warszawa, 1988.

Assessment methods:
