ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BŻS10069f15
Semester: 2015/2016 summer
Name: Technology of Preservation, Processing and Feed Hygiene
Major: Food Safety
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: Dr hab. Rafał Bodarski
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: The student knows the principles of the selection of species and varieties of of fodder plants suitable for cultivation in different stages of plants rotation; knows the nutritive value of fresh, preserved and processed feedstuffs (hay, silages, dried green matter, agglomerated feeds); has the knowledge on the methods and conditions of correct process of preservation (ensiling, drying), processing and storage of feedstuffs; knows the limitations on the use of feeds followed from their natural features (antinutritive substances) and acquired ones (incorrect preservarti and inappropriate processing and storage). Skills: Student can evaluate the usefulness of green matter for ensiling; is able to assess the quality and nutritive value of the preserved feedstuffs and to analyze the factors affecting process of preservation; can to organize the feeds production in relation to the animal requirement for feed; knows the rules to manage the reserves of feed raw materials for maintaining of correct quality and hygiene.

Competences: Student has consciousness of the dependencies between quality of used feed and quality of animal product and health of animal and human; knows of the possibilities to reduce the risk of a negative impact of poor quality feed mixtures carried by the honest evaluation and selection of raw materials to the feed rations intended for different technological groups of animals; understands the necessity of continuous improvement of knowledge on the new methods of feeds preservation, processing and storage; has consciousness of the responsibility for the tasks commonly realized in the team.

Prerequisites: animal nutrition, physiology of plants and animals

Course content: The conditions of forages and complete mixtures production will be discussed. Criteria for the selection of appropriate species and varieties of fodder plants in aspect of nutritional needs of animals, as well as chemical properties and nutritive value, and the use of such feeds in animal nutrition. Methods of preserving and processing the feed as well as the methods of storage and the effects of application of feeds incorrectly preserved, processed or stored will be discussed

Recommended literature: 1. Jamroz D. (red.) Żywienie zwierząt i paszoznawstwo. 3-tomowy podręcznik, PWN Warszawa, 2005. 2. Chachułowa J. (red.) Pasze. Wyd. SGGW, Warszawa 1996. 3. Falkowski M, Kukułka J., Kozłowski S. Właściwości chemiczne roślin łąkowych., Wyd. AR Poznań , 1996. 4. Grochowicz J., Technologia produkcji mieszanek paszowych, 1996, PWRiL

Assessment methods:
