ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: OŹES20094o15
Semester: 2015/2016 summer
Name: Waste treatment plant monitoring
Major: Renewable Energy and Waste Management
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Andrzej Białowiec
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge:  Student has wide knowledge in particular disciplines of physics, chemistry, and biology, required for description of processes used in waste management, including knowledge on understanding of physical phenomenon’s, and processes during waste conversion into energy: R2OŹE_W02, R2A_W01, R2A_W03  Student has wide knowledge on waste management, quality management, and business activity, including individual entrepreneurship: R2OŹE_W05, R2A_W02  Student has wide knowledge on control systems, and monitoring techniques used in waste management: R2OŹE_W06, R2A_W05  Student has clarified, and well theoretically grounded knowledge in range of systems, technologies, techniques, devices, and tools used in waste management: R2OŹE_W11b, R2A_W03, R2A_W05  Student has detailed knowledge, based on strong theoretical fundament, in range of waste treatment devices, and technologies design, and operation: R2OŹE_W12b, R2A_W05 Skils:  Student can search, understand, analyze, and creative use information data from literature review, data bases, and other sources; can integrate gathered information, may do the theirs interpretations, summaries, and put an opinions with justification: R2OŹE_U01, R2A_U01, R2A_U03  Student can do the identification, and characterizes the specificity of engineering tasks, prepares a technical documentation concerning engineering task execution, and prepares the report containing the description of results from task execution: R2OŹE_U03, R2A_U04  Student can use informatics technologies to support the design new waste management processes, and systems, and to monitor existing processes, and systems operation: R2OŹE_U04, R2A_U03  Student can judge technical solutions, and analyze of factors influencing on people, and animals life, and health quality, and on natural environment state: R2OŹE_U09, R2A_U05

Competences: Social competences:  Student has concise the importance of skills upgrading, and self-teaching in range of waste management, and understands the need of learning for whole life for improvement of skills taken during high education: R2OŹE_K01, R2A_K01, R2A_K07  Student can do the deep analyses of executed task, considering definition of proper priorities including all contractors duties: R2OŹE_K02, R2A_K03

Prerequisites: The knowledge of aspects related to: waste properties, waste treatment technologies including law, and technological aspects, of waste treatment.

Course content: Law aspects of waste treatment monitoring, waste data base, waste properties monitoring, waste biological treatment monitoring, waste thermal treatment monitoring, waste landfilling monitoring, odor emission monitoring, innovative diagnostic methods for determination of problem origins.

Recommended literature:  Bilitewski B., Härdtle G., Marek K., Podręcznik gospodarki odpadami. Teoria i praktyka, Wydawnictwo Seidel-Przywecki Sp. z o.o., Warszawa 2003/2006.  Poradnik gospodarowania odpadami pod redakcją K Skalmowskiego. Wydawnictwo Verlog Dashofer. Warszawa – uaktualniany na bieżąco.  Jędrczak A, 2007, Biologiczne przetwarzanie odpadów, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.  Rosik-Dulewska C. 2010. Podstawy gospodarki odpadami.  Żygadło M. 2002. Gospodarka odpadami komunalnymi.  Oleszkiewicz J. 1999. Eksploatacja składowiska odpadów  Law regulations (directives, regulations) -  Guidelines, authorities reports -  Professional journals – Przegląd Komunalny, Recykling, Odpady Komunalne  Scientific journals – Waste management, Waste management and research, Waste Management World …

Assessment methods: Lectures: final exam, Exercises: completing all projects, and exams

Comment: Protective gloves are necessary for morphological, and fractional waste composition examination. Working uniform required for field tutorials at the landfill.