ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RSSS10401o14
Semester: 2014/2015 summer
Name: Principles of agricultural production 3
Major: Environmental Protection
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Agnieszka Dradrach, prof. Dr hab. inż. Andrzej Filistowicz
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge related to habitat conditions in which agricultural production is carried on. Students is able to distinguish between elements of agricultural technology selected groups of plants, fruit and vegetable production, as well as acquires knowledge of farming and animal husbandry. Students indicate degree of threat to the environment caused by agricultural production. Skills: Students are able to adapt agricultural production systems (agriculture, gardening and livestock) to the environmental conditions. Students can predict and assess the environmental impacts associated with the use of tillage and crop protection.

Competences: Competence: Social competence: Students are aware of the social role of a university graduate, understand the need for reliable formulation and providing the public with information and opinions concerning the issues of environmental protection. Recognize the need for further education, integrate knowledge from different disciplines. Recognize the importance of agricultural production in human and animal nutrition and for the environment.

Prerequisites: Soil science, agricultural chemistry, general farming and plants, some elements of the environmental

Course content: The origin and occurrence of grasses on Earth. Distribution of natural grasslands and economic importance of grassland in Poland. Habitat for grassland plants. Factors affecting the habitat conditions. Typological division of grasslands. Major communities occurring on the grasslands. The economic value of herbs and weeds. Phytosociology of meadow communities. Establishment of grassland. Renovation of sward. Methods for determining the botanical composition. Grasslands and environmental protection. The role of the environment in the process of production, environment and culture. Features of the environment and their impact on the animals. The role of nutrition and its impact on the final result. A selection of the most common feeding systems in animal production. Utility and race types most common in the world, with particular emphasis on the EU Standards specifying the types and breeds. Selected items from the range and livestock rearing. The process of production the milk, the construction of the udder. Different systems veal and beef production. Breeding of pigs. Methods of fattening. Evaluation of the quality of pork - indicators of fattening. Breeding of sheep. Goats and sheep production in U.E. Breeding of poultry. Organization of breeding and poultry production. Principles of rearing the young. Systems of hens and meat production. Breeding of horses. The use of horses. Feeding of horses.

Recommended literature: 1.Polski Kodeks Dobrej Praktyki Rolniczej. Gleba-woda - powietrze. IUNG, Puławy 1999. 2.Siuta J. Gleba-diagnozowanie stanu i zagrożenia. IOŚ, Warszawa, 1995. 3.Świętochowski B.i in. Ogólna uprawa roli i roślin. PWRiL, Warszawa 1996. 4.Jasińska Z., Kotecki A. Szczegółowa Uprawa Roślin T.I i II. Wyd. UP we Wrocławiu, 2003. 5.Rogalik M., Kurpisz S.A., Łąkarstwo. Poznań, 2004. 6.Grzegorczyk S., Benedycki S. Łąkoznawstwo UWM, Olsztyn, 2001. 7.Falkowski M. Trawy polskie, Warszawa., PWRiL, 1982. 8.Zimiński R.Podstawy chowu zwierząt z zoohigieną. Wyd A.R. we Wrocławiu, 1999 9.Szulc T. Chów i hodowla zwierząt. Wyd A.R. we Wrocławiu, 2005.

Assessment methods: Assessment of learning outcomes in the category of knowledge: written exam tests a class with exercise; in the category of skills: assessment of the ability to recognize crops and grasses in various stages of development and utility types and breeds of animals. Evaluation of oral presentations and the use of modern techniques of presentation; in the category of social competence: individual and group work, class discussion, commitment and attitude on the exam and colloquia.
