ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IPN10323f15
Semester: 2015/2016 summer
Name: Village Image
Major: Land Management
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 8
ECTS points: 7
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 18 / 27 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Jerzy Oleszek
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: is familiar with basic settlement structures; knows the forms and processes of the forming of small towns; knows the importance of the main determinants of the contemporary village of the image, knows the role of the village image in creating and promoting the rural values of a settlement unit, knows the techniques used for computer support of multimedia presentations of village image; Abilities: can identify the structure and the forms of rural settlement; can determine and indicate the urban forms of small towns; can differentiate between the two meanings of village image; can determine the importance of the component exogenic and endogenic restraints and determinants forming the village image; can identify the icon value and the ego of the village;

Competences: Social competence (attitudes): can determine the place and role of a settlement unit in the meaning structure of the local functional-spatial system; through indicating the proper and deformed settlement forms, can determine the scope of improvement and repair tasks; defining the village image, will determine the strong and weak points, values and measures determining the attractiveness and specific nature of a rural settlement unit.

Prerequisites: design principles, planning and technical drawing, spatial planning, landscape development, demography and the socio-cultural determinants of spatial economy.

Course content: Terms: image, village portrait – scope, notion of content, form and character. The village as a settlement organism – terms and meaning. The components forming the potential of a village settlement organism – the regional character of the constituents which determine the development of contemporary village forms. 21st century village profiles. Culture as a determinant of the development of rural areas. The spirit and the identity of a place as the foundation for the image. The identification of the meanings and symbols of regional culture in the material and non-material sphere, as well as their correlates. Rural architecture – the types and variants of regional forms. The image of the village in the instruments of spatial policy. Planning village settlements. Elements of territorial marketing – the image of the village as the basis for creating and promoting the values of a village, including: the techniques and methods of creating and promoting the village. Historical outline of the European village settlement: the German, French, British and Dutch village. The environmental bases for village settlement localisation in Europe. Small town – definitions, landscape, historical urban layout, functional-spatial structure, factors fostering the development of small towns. The transformation of the urban form into the rural form and “city today – village yesterday” layouts.

Recommended literature: 1. Beyer R., Kuron I., 1995, Stadt- und Regionalmarketing – Irrweg oder Stein der Wissen, DVAG, Bonn, 2. Borcz Z., 1999, Krajobraz nizinnych wsi dolnośląskich, Wyd. AR, Wrocław 3. Gonda-Soroczyńska E., 2006, Sieć osadnicza Europy na przykładzie Niemiec, Francji i Holandii [w:] Sieć osadnicza jako przedmiot badań pod redakcją Eugeniusza Bagińskiego, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław, 4. Gzell S.: 1996. Fenomen małomiejskości. Wyd. Akapit-DTP, Warszawa, 5. Henkel G., 1998, Der ländliche Raum, Treubner, Stuttgart, 6. Konopka M., Pustoła-Kozłowska E., Matyaszczyk D., 2001, Każde miejsce opowiada swoją historię, Fundacja Fundusz Współpracy, Poznań, 7. Kiełczewska - Zaleska M., 1972 Geografia osadnictwa, PWN, Warszawa, 8. Markowski T. [red], 2002, Marketing terytorialny, Studia KPZR PAN t. CXII Warszawa, 9. Mälzer K., Fock T., Köhler M., 2004, Siedlungshäuser in der Mecklenburgische Seeplatte, Neubrandenburg, 9. Myczkowski Z., 2002, Tożsamość miejsca w krajobrazie strefy podmiejskiej obszaru chronionego, V forum Architektury Krajobrazu, Wrocław, 10..Oleszek J., 2005, Odnowa wsi i marketing miejsca - stymulatory współczesnego funkcjonowania i rozwoju wsi, Architektura Krajobrazu Nr. 1-2, Akademia Rolnicza Wrocław, 11. Oleszek J., 2005, Charakter i postać wizerunku wsi pogranicza polsko - czeskiego w rejonie Góry Złote - Rychlebske Hory, Zeszyty Naukowe AR im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie, seria Geodezja Z.21, Kraków, 12.. Pawłowska K., 2001: Idea swojskości miasta, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków. 13. Reichenbach M. 2000, Ideen zum neuen Dorf, Bayerischen Staatministerium für Ernährung, Landschaft und Forsten, München, 14. Suchodolski J., 1996, Regionalizm w kształtowaniu formy architektury współczesnej na obszarze Sudetów, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej Wrocław, 15. Szczepański M., 2003, Tożsamość regionalna, Urbanista Nr 10, 16. Turowski J., 1996, Rozwój wsi i rolnictwa w Holandii. Wzrost gospodarczy, zagrożenia, odnowa?, Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, Lublin.17. Wiśniewski M., 2007, Osadnictwo wiejskie, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa.

Assessment methods: written knowledge tests, active participation in the seminars, multimedia presentations.
