ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: NTSN10312o15
Semester: 2015/2016 winter
Name: Process Engineering and Equipment for Food Industry
Major: Food Technology and Nutrition
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 6
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 25 / 25 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Mariusz Surma
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowlege: The student shows an awareness of machinery and equipment industry, food and technical terminology relating to food technology. Able to identify, define and identify the basic unit operations used in food processing. Selects the appropriate formula to allow for the description of the various unit operations specific to the process. Skills: Students can choose and use appropriate depending useful in solving the issues and tasks on selected mechanical operations (cleaning, sorting, shredding, burgers, etc.), flow of classic and specialty fluids and diffusion processes of heat and mass transfer occurring in food engineering. The student has the ability to perform basic calculations of the exchange of momentum and heat and mass transfer.

Competences: Social skills (Attiude): Student is dedicated to the permanent supplementary training. Is willing to work as a team. Demonstrates active and creative in acquiring knowledge. It shows entrusted to care for his equipment and maintenance of proper relations in the group classrooms.

Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, chemistry

Course content: Properties important in the food process engineering. The theory of flow. The dynamics of the fluidized bed. The theory of comminution. Options hydraulic and pneumatic transport. Cleaning and agglomeration of food. Heat transfer. Equilibrium thermodynamic steam - liquid, liquid-liquid, liquid - solid. Distillation systems, absorption and desorption extraction. Calculation of mass transfer coefficients. Microwave and vacuum drying. Freeze-drying. Crystallization.

Recommended literature: 1. Koch R., Noworyta A.: Procesy mechaniczne w inżynierii chemicznej, WNT W-wa 1992; 2. Kramkowski R.: Inżynieria i aparatura przemysłu spożywczego, skrypt AR Wrocław; 3. Kramkowski R.: Inżynieria procesowa, przewodnik do ćwiczeń rachunkowych AR Wrocław 2000; 4. Lewicki P.: Inżynieria procesowa i aparatura przemysłu spożywczego, WNT W-wa 1999.

Assessment methods: duties include exercise, written and oral examination
