ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: JOS00005o16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Foreign language - level B1/Veterinary Medicine
Major: (języki obce)
Study Type: one cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 0
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 0 / 120 / 0
Lecturer: mgr Ewa Hajdasz
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes:

General and professional vocabulary, idiomatic expressions - language fluency required on B1 Level (CEFR – Common European Framework of Reference, 2001 - European Reference Level Descriptions in Learning, Warsaw 2003).



The student should be able to follow:
• opinions and lectures connected with the field of study,
• films and recordings concerning their academic environment and the field of study,
• films and recordings about their academic environment and the field of study within the scope of general knowledge,
• general information on their academic field of study and specialization.

The student should be able to read with understanding:
• general scientific texts related to their interests and field of study,
• papers concerning their field of study (theses),
• instructions on handling household equipment, laboratory and future work environment.


The student should be able to:
• interact, participate in a discussion, express their ideas/viewpoints/attitudes and present topics related to their interests and the field of study,
• prepare and give an oral presentation on a subject connected with their field of study,
• paraphrase and discuss previously read texts and heard opinions,
• recognize their own most common mistakes and control their speech.


The student should be able to:
• write a covering letter, CV, a reply to a job advertisement, a letter of complaint, an invitation, a thank-you letter, an application, etc.,
• describe events and activities which have occurred or will take place in their environment or elsewhere,
• write a report, summary or an essay,
• prepare a written presentation on a topic related to their field of study.

Competences: The student should be able to integrate with an international community using a given language.

Prerequisites: Matura/A Level examination (Basic). The student can choose a language course in English, French, Spanish, German or Russian.

Course content: Emphasis on listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing and listening to recordings (from the student’s book, radio and television) related to topics such as school, free time, home, current affairs and professional interests. Vocabulary connected with everyday situations, describing events, expressing emotions, feelings, ambitions and hopes. Reviewing films. Writing short dissertations, formal and informal letters, CVs. Providing elements of professional language and authentic text

Recommended literature: Compulsory books:
1. Donesch-Jeżo E. English for Medical Students and Doctors. Part 1. Wydawnictwo Przegląd Lekarski, Kraków 2000.
2. Donesch-Jeżo E. English for Medical Students and Doctors. Part 2. Wydawnictwo Przegląd Lekarski, Kraków 2001.

Additional materials:
1. Collin P.H., Kądziołek K., Koziara H. Słownik Medycyny. Wydawnictwo Wilga, Warszawa 2001.
2. Ciecierska J., Jenike B., Tudruj K. English for Medical Purposes. Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, Warszawa 1999.
3. Penn J.M., Hanson E. Anatomy and Physiology for English Language Learners. Pearson Education Inc., NY 2006.
4. Donesch-Jeżo E. English for Students of Pharmacy and Pharmacists .Wydawnictwo Przegląd Lekarski, Kraków 2007.
5. Glendinning Eric H., Howard R. Professional English in Use – Medicine. Cambridge University Press 2007.
6. Lane D., Cooper B., Turner L. BSAVA Textbook of Veterinary Nursing (4th ed), BSAVA, Gloucester 2007.
7. Pohl A. Professional English – Medical. Penguin English Guide 2004.
8. Matuszak-Król A. Król J. Język angielski – teksty dla studentów medycyny weterynaryjnej. Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej w Lublinie.
9. Black`s Veterinary Dictionary 21st Edition. A&C Black, London 2005.
10. Pickering W. R. Complete Biology. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2000.
11. Baker N. British Wildlife - A Month by Month Guide. New Holland Publishers Ltd, 2007.

1. Skoraszewski, Mariusz, Français, Repetytorium tematyczno-leksykalne dla młodzieży szkolnej, studentów i nie tylko..., Wagros, Poznań, 2006.
2. Monnerie-Goarin, Annie, Champion 2, Livre d'élève, CLE, Paris, 2002.
3. Labascoule, Josiane, Rond Point, 2, Relié, Madrid, 2004.
4. Denyer, M., Version originale 3, Difusion, Madrid, 2011.
5. Bretonnier, B., Les clés de nouveau DELF B2, Difusion, Madrid, 2011.
6. Nouveau Rond-Point 2 - Livre de l'élève, Difusion, Madrid, 2011.

Compulsory books:
• F. Castro Viúdez, P. Díaz Ballesteros, I. Rodero Díez, C. Sardinero Franco, ESPAÑOL EN MARCHA, NIVEL B2, SGEL, Madrid 2007.
Additional materials:
• F. Castro Viúdez, APRENDE B2, SGEL, Madrid 2007.
• E. Martín Peris, N. Sánchez Quintana, GENTE B2, LektorKlett, Barcelona 2005.
• M. Ángeles Casado, A. Martínez, A. M. Romero, PRISMA Nivel B2, Edinumen, Madrid 2005.
• M. R. López, HABLEMOS EN CLASE, Edinumen, Madrid 2000.
• M. Baralo, M. Genís, M.E. Santana, VOCABULARIO B2, Anaya, Madrid 2006.
Materiały multimedialne:
• VideoEle-Vídeos para aprender español como lengua extranjera:

Compulsory books
1. R.Sonntag, M.Schomer, U.Koitahan, T.Mayer-Sieber, H.Schmitz; Aspekte1, Langenscheidt, München 2007.
2. U.Koithan, T.Mayer-Sieber, H.Schmitz, R.Sonntag, R.Löche; Aspekte2, Langenscheidt, München 2008.
3. R.M.Dallapiazza,S.Evans, ASchürmann, A.Kilimann, M.Winkler;Hueber, Ziel B2, Ismaning 2008.
4. A.Daniels,Ch.Estermann,R.Köhl–Kuhn,I.Sander,E.Butler,U.Tallowitz; MittelpunktB2, Ernst Klett, Stuttgart 2007.
Additional materials:
1. H. Birkenfeld, M.Roscheck, Medizin 1- Texte und Übungen, Max Hueber Verlag, München 1980.
2. Ch.Bremer,H.Kowalke,Medizin,VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1969.
3. S.Colditz, Landwirtschaft und Veterinärmedizin, VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1975.
4. Segers Medien GmbH, Gesamtherstellung – Schule 2000, Köln 1999.
5. M. Ganczar, B.Rogowska – Medycyna- ćwiczenia specjalistyczne, Hueber Polska, Warszawa 2007.

Compulsory books:
1. Siergiej Chwatow, Roman Hajczuk - Русский язык в бизнесе WSiP Warszawa 2000
Additional materials:
1. А.Родимкина, З.Райли, Н. Ландсман - Россия сегодня - тексты и упражнения. СПб "Златоуст" 2000.
2. Teacher's own materials.

Assessment methods: Crediting the course based on attendance and active participation in classes, evaluated homework, tests or quizzes and presentations. The final examination comprising reading comprehension, language structures and vocabulary.
