ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IPS10071o16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Real Estate Economics
Major: Land Management
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 7
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Maria Hełdak, mgr inż. Ciechosław Patrzałek, mgr inż. Agnieszka Stacherzak
Language of instruction: Polish / English
The course in English will be available if a minimum of 6 students sign up for a group.If less than 6 students sign up for the group, the course will be available in Polish with the possibility of individual support in English. Contact person: mgr inż. Agnieszka Stacherzak

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student possesses an ordered, theoretically-backed knowledge regarding real estate economy and real estate market behaviour; possesses detailed knowledge regarding selected issues, becomes familiar with the legal basics behind managing real estate owned by the State Treasury, local government units, the ZNR, the SP, the AMW, as well as the practical use of regulations behind charging betterment levies, organising bids etc.; knows the basic methods, techniques and tools used to set real estate fees and real estate value; possesses basic knowledge regarding local government and SP real estate management, knows the basic theoretical concepts regarding real estate resources, management conditions, real estate sale and purchase regulations; Abilities: can retrieve information from source literature and Internet sites, which is later used for analyses in the field of real estate economy; can provide an oral presentation on detailed issues related to the realised projects; can prepare and provide an oral presentation related to a number of selected problems in real estate management; can utilise information-communication techniques; can utilise analytical and experimental methods to formulate and solve given tasks; can perform an initial economic analysis of investment tasks scheduled on real estate through indicating the potential size of betterment levies, perpetual usufruct fees, estimating compensation for the expropriation of real estate, fees for changing perpetual usufruct rights into ownership rights; knows how to use theoretical knowledge in preparing bidding information, and in analysing the size of real estate fee;

Competences: Social competence (attitudes): is aware of the importance and understands the non-technical aspects and consequences of the decisions made with regard to real estate economy, including environmental impact and safety, along with the responsibility for making those decisions; can cooperate and work as part of a team, assuming various roles; properly identifies and solves dilemmas related to real estate economy; is aware of the social role of a technical university graduate, especially the need to formulate and share knowledge regarding real estate economy with society.

Prerequisites: fundamentals of law

Course content: Real estate as a legal, technical and market subject. The real estate market. The functioning of the real estate market. Financing the real estate market. Investment decisions on the real estate market. Developer processes and the development trends of the real estate market. The legal basics of real estate management. Managing public real estate (State Treasury and local government unit real estate), real estate resources, real estate sale and commissioning real estate into perpetual usufruct, bids for real estate sale. Perpetual management as a legal form of governing real estate, using real estate for special purposes, establishing the schedule and manner of managing real estate. The prices and fees for State Treasury and local government unit real estate settlements. The purchase of real estate by foreigners. Betterment levies. Expropriating real estate. Returning expropriated real estate or part of it. Compensation fees. Managing the agricultural real estate of the State Treasury, elements of State Treasury goods and Military Property Agency goods. Purchasing real estate for public communication purposes.

Recommended literature: Ewa Kucharska – Stasiak, Nieruchomość w gospodarce rynkowej, PWN, Warszawa 2006 r.; Edward Gniewek, Podstawy prawa cywilnego i handlowego, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 1998 r.; K. Pietrzykowski, Kodeks Cywilny - komentarz, Wyd. C. H. Beck, Warszawa 1997 r.; G.Bieniek, Reforma administracji publicznej a gospodarka nieruchomościami Skarbu Państwa i jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, Warszawa - Zielona Góra 1999 r.; G. Bieniek, A. Hopfer, Z. Marmaj, E. Mzyk, R. Źróbek, Komentarz do ustawy o gospodarce nieruchomościami, Wyd. Zielona Góra 2000 r.; Obowiązujące teksty ustaw o gospodarce nieruchomościami, o księgach wieczystych i hipotece, o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego, o gospodarowaniu nieruchomościami rolnymi Skarbu Państwa i Agencji Mienia Wojskowego.

Assessment methods: tutorial reports, knowledge tests, project evaluation, written examination
