ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IBN10306o16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Communication engineering
Major: Civil Engineering
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 7
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 18 / 9 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Grzegorz Antoniszyn
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: One knows instructions planning of roads of all technical grades also technical instructions catalogues of pavements; one know technical specifications of maintenance of a permanent ways, as well as technical instructions of maintenance of subgrade; one knows technical guidelines of railway line and stations design; one knows up-to-date requirements and treatments for environmental protection long ways of modernizing lines of communication; one understands essence of requirements, witch one are lays in instance modernization of communicational routes; one knows contemporary methods of planning of land transport; one knows rules of designs of bridges, culverts and tunnels; one knows rules of design, construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure airports; one understands substance of term “interoperability” in European rail system. One is able to design road and cross-road/street, railway line and railway station on scale of a geometrical scheme, a pavement, a drainage, a pavement and earthworks; one is able to propose the way of methods and technics of a reinforcement of road or rail groundwork; one manages to select a construction of a new also how to repair existing pavement; one is able to design objects of an infrastructure of an airport; he manages to realize calculations of capacity stretches HCM 85 method; one is able to determine of a scale of tasks connected with proper retention of bridge objects and lines of communication.

Competences: One identifies with necessity of activity to minimalism of negative influence of communication investments; one understands a weight a project correctness for security of exploitation.

Prerequisites: Soil mechanics, building materials, computation methods.

Course content: Technical and functional classification of roads and streets. Characterization and terms of traffic. Roads of a rapid traffic. Elements of roads and streets in throw and side view. Coordination of road elements in throw and side view. Junctions of roads and motorways. Earth buildings and earthwork: construction of banks and cuttings, distribution earth mass, calculation with application of earthworks monographs. Technology of road works. Modern methods of road location: automatization and optimum conditions of estimates. Pavements materials. Reinforcement of basement soil. Statement of dimension of roadway. Catalogues of standard pavement structures. Drainage of roads and streets. Communication structures: bridges, fly-overs and culverts. Underground structures: channels with multi orifices, underground railway. Infrastructure of transport by rail: railways and stations, passing sidings. Geometry of tracks, construction of permanent way, drainage. Airports: classification, duties and terms of location. Designs of an airfield and an air-strip.

Recommended literature: Gaca S., Suchorzewski W., Tracz M.: Inżynieria ruchu, WKiŁ Warszawa 2009; Edel R.: Odwodnienie dróg. WKŁ, Warszawa 2009; Kalabińska M.,Piłat J., Radziszewski P.: Technologia materiałów i nawierzchni drogowych, Oficyna Wyd. Poli. Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2008; Stypułkowski B. i in.; Zagadnienia utrzymania i modernizacji dróg i ulic, WKŁ, Warszawa 2005; Basiewicz T., Rudziński L., Jacyna M.; Linie kolejowe, Oficyna Wyd. Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2006; Madaj A., Wołowicki W.; Budowa i utrzymanie mostów. WKiŁ Warszawa 2008; Furtak K.; Wprowadzenie do projektowania mostów. Oficyna Wyd. Pol. Krak. Kraków, 2005; Basiewicz T., Gołaszewski A., Rudziński L.: Infrastruktura transportu, Oficyna Wyd. Pol. Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2008.

Assessment methods: Credit of a design, a test, an examination.
