ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IWS10167o16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Sustainable development in water management
Major: Water Engineering and Managment
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab inż. Szymon Szewrański
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge It has a basic understanding of the nature and problems of sustainable development; knows the basic principles of sustainable development, understand the relationship between the availability of water resources and the quality of human life, knows the typology of social conflicts, and how to manage them, knows the rules of social participation, and tools to support the process, and knows the methods of implementation principles of sustainable development in water management. Knowledge Acquires data from selected sources to analyze the degree of sustainability. can make a basic assessment of the indicator z1równoważonego development. identify the activities in the field of sustainable development can identify the main problems and define the strategic objectives of development; uses technology to support the process of social participation and decision-making in the field of water management, design system solutions in the field of sustainable development in water management.

Competences: Generate a consensus in the group on participatory water management planning, is aware of its social, economic and environmental decision-making.


Course content: The concept of sustainable development. Agenda 21 The global water crisis. Quality of life and access to water resources. Sustainable development indicators. Water footprint, ecologial footprint, HDI, the quality of life. The integration of water policy and sustainable development strategies. Elements of conflict prevention and resolution of ecological and socio-economic area of water management. Participatory water management planning. Model and sustainability management tools in water management. Good experience in implementing the guiding principles of sustainable development in water management.

Recommended literature: 1. Borys T., 2005: Wskaźniki zrównoważonego rozwoju. Ekonomia i Środowisko. 2. Fiedor B. (red.) 2002: Podstawy ekonomii środowiska i zasobów naturalnych. C.H.Beck. 3.Fundacja Sendzimira. 4. Giordano K., 2006: Planowanie zrównoważonego rozwoju gminy w praktyce. Wyd. KUL. 5. Janikowski R. 2004: Zarządzanie antropopresją. Difin. 6. Kistowski M., 2003: Regionalny model zrównoważonego rozwoju i ochrony środowiska Polski a strategie rozwoju województw, Uniw. Gdański–Bogunki Wyd. Nauk., Gdański-Poznań. 7. Klimek M., 2010: Zró1)wnoważony rozwój lokalny. Teoria-planowanie-realizacja. EkoPress. 8. Kozłowski S. (red.) 2004: Regionalne strategie rozwoju zrównoważonego, Białystok. 9. Kozłowski S., 2005: Przyszłość ekorozwoju. Wyd. KUL. 10 Kronenberg J., Bergier T. (red.), 2010: Wyzwania zrównoważonego rozwoju w Polsce. 11. Łaguna T.M., Witkowska-Dąbrowska M. (red.), 2010: Zarządzanie zasobami środowiska. EkoPress. 12. Materiały konferencyjne: „Zrównoważony rozwój w teorii ekonomii i praktyce” Wrocław 2006- 13. Pęski W., 1999: Zarządzanie zrównoważonym rozwojem miast. Arkady 1999. 14. Piontek B., 2002: Koncepcja rozwoju zrównoważonego i trwałego Polski. PWN. 15. Rogall H., 2010: Ekonomia zrównoważonego rozwoju. ZYSK I S-KA.

Assessment methods: credit exercises, oral examination. Final assessment : the average of the exercises (50%) and lectures (50 %)

Comment: The concept of sustainable development (objectives and general principles) to contemporary issues and globalization processes. The global water crisis. "Human Development Report" and global development trends. Quality of life and access to water resources. Privatization of water. Protection of water resources and management in Agenda 21 and other program documents for sustainable development. Indicators of quality of life and sustainable development as a tool for diagnosing environmental and socio-economic assessment of progress. Ecologial Footprint and Water Footprint as a measure of human pressure and the degree of utilization of water resources. The renewed Sustainable Development Strategy of the European Union. A strategy for smart, sustainable and "Europe 2020". The principles of sustainable development as a basis for planning and programming in water management. Development programs and water management. Elements of conflict prevention and resolution of ecological, social and economic developments in the field of water management. Participatory water management planning. Public participation in decision-making. The instruments of social communication. Education for sustainable development. Sustainability management model. Sustainability management tools in water management. The practical implementation of the guiding principles of sustainable development in water management - Case studies. Repertory The nature and scope of the exercise: exercise design. Knowledge of advanced techniques of group work. The term environmental, economic and social linkages. Analysis and presentation of the European program documents in the field of sustainable development. Identification of the principles of sustainable development. Indicators of sustainable development, water footprint, ecological footprint, human development index. Interest groups. Identification of environmental and development conflicts. Prioritizing and prioritizing goals. Analysis of the investment location decision-making process and the choice of location conflict with society. Techniques and tools to support social participation and co in water management. Case study. Student Presentations.