ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BBS20347f16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Water Renaturisation as Well as Cultivation and Protection of water ecosystems
Major: Biology
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 0
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Wojciech Dobicki
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student: W1 - has sufficient knowledge to describe and explain phenomena and processes in rivers and reservoirs [KB2_W01, KB2_W01_BŚ]; W2 - has a deeper understanding of research methods used in restoration water [KB2_W01]; W3 - knows the rules on the use of aquatic organisms in the conduct of scientific research in the context of bioethics [KB2_W03, KB2_W04_BŚ]; W4 - explains how to adapt to different aquatic environments of life [KB2_W05]; W5 - characterized by the impact of human activities on the aquatic environment suggests risk to the hydrosphere from the business and is able to propose measures to reduce negative impacts on the aquatic environment [KB2_W06, KB2_W05_BŚ]. Skills: Student: U1 - organizes research in the field of restoration on the ground. Creates a correct statement of the results of research [KB2_U01]; U2 - skillfully used the device for research in the field of restoration on the ground [KB2_U02]; U3 - draws the correct conclusions on the basis of these results, skillfully finds the source material and critically interpret them [KB2_U04, KB2_U06]; U4 - uses a special key for determining the membership of species of plants and aquatic animals [KB2_U01_BŚ]; U5 - evaluates the impact of human civilization activities on aquatic environments, proposes ways to counter the effects of reconstruction and contamination of rivers, lakes and seas [KB2_U02_BŚ, KB2_U04_BŚ]; U6 - can identify links between the environment and the construction and mode of living aquatic organisms, defines the basic requirements of living of selected groups of plants and aquatic animals [KB2_U03_BŚ].

Competences: Personal and social competences (attitudes and behaviors): Student: K1 - is active in updating the knowledge of the restoration of water and related disciplines. Is aware of the need for lifelong learning [KB2_K01]; K2 - open to work in a team, willing to cooperate and control group is aware of the responsibility for the tasks commonly performed in the band [KB2_K02]; K3 - shows care for entrusted equipment, in research shall follow the principles of health and safety [KB2_K07].

Prerequisites: botany, zoology, hydrobiology

Course content: Geomorphological conditions of anthropogenic interference with the progress and development of plants, environmental assessment of the watercourse and reservoir, to assess the "closeness nature" of the aquatic environment, creating sheets for field work, analysis and interpretation of documentation, selection of appropriate methods of shaping the regulatory route of the river, and longitudinal profile trough cross the stream. Strengthening and belts boundary floodplains, forming streams in a manner consistent with the nature, addressing the needs of plants and aquatic animals (especially fish fauna), natural methods to prevent flooding. Restoration litoral area lakes, methods of counteracting eutrophication of water reservoirs, ecotechnological methods recovery of lakes.

Recommended literature: 1. Allan J. D.: Ekologia wód płynacych. Wyd. Nauk. PWN Warszawa 1998. 2. Bajkiewicz-Grabowska E., Mikulski Z.: Hydrologia ogólna. Wyd. Nauk. PWN, Warszawa 1993 r. 3. Bajkiewicz-Grabowska E., Magnuszewski A., Mikulski Z.: Hydrometria, Wyd. Nauk PWN, Warszawa 1993. 4. Choiński A.: Jeziora kuli ziemskiej. Wyd Nauk. PWN 2000. 5. Lampert W., Sommer U.: Ekologia wód śródlądowych. Wyd. Nauk. PWN Warszawa 1996. 6. Ozga-Zielińska M., Brzeziński J.: Hydrologia stosowana. Wyd. Nauk. PWN, Warszawa 1994. 7. Starmach K., Wróbel S., Pasternak K.: Hydrobiologia. Limnologia. PWN Warszawa 1978 i późniejsze. 8. Krebs Ch. J.: Ekologia. Eksperymentalna analiza rozmieszczenia i liczebności. Wyd. Nauk. PWN Warszawa 1997. 9. Maciak F.: Ochrona i rekultywacja środowiska. Wyd. SGGW Warszawa 1996. 10. Zdanowski B., Kamiński M., Martyniak A. (redakcja): Funkcjonowanie i ochrona ekosystemów wodnych na obszarach chronionych. Wyd. IRS Olsztyn 1999. Czasopisma: Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, Aura, EJPAU, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Limnological Review.

Assessment methods: Pass classes 2 times a semester written tests to assess the current rating (based on household tasks and oral expression) progress and activity. The presence of the exercises is compulsory, the student may have only one unauthorized absence. In the case of excused absences the student is required to pass the relevant part of the material. Completion of exercises based on the average ratings. Completion of the course: students with a valid credit exercises at the end of the semester to present y
