ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: AGS10009o16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Information Technology
Major: (Agrobiznes)
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 0 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Julian Kalinowski
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: The student has a basic knowledge of information technology and of the acquisition and processing of information, defines the concepts of information and communication technologies, he identifies and recognize services in news media, knows the rules of use of: spreadsheets, word processors, tools, engineering graphics, knows the basics of databases. Skills: Student is able to work in the "cloud", knows how to format documents using styles, can use a spreadsheet with formulas, filters and graphic modules, can design and carry out calculations and elemental analysis of the data in the assessment of the economic efficiency of economic activity in the agribusiness. Student uses online sources and services in computer networks for search, understanding, analysis and use of information, maintain to the intellectual property rights. The student prepares a presentation showing the results of their work on issues in the area of food economy, using literature sources, including web applications.

Competences: Social competences: Students use their knowledge and skills in IT solutions, can work individually and in groups, taking in it various roles, including leading a team, taking responsibility for the results of their work and the team.

Prerequisites: Computer skills, Internet browsers

Course content: Internet application, service spreadsheets, word processing service, service tools graphics, basic database, copyright in the use and processing of information from Internet.

Recommended literature: 1. Durka P.J. (2004): Cyfrowy świat: jak to działa. Wyd. Adamantan, Warszawa. Wersja elektroniczna poprzedniego wydania: 2. Durka P.J. (2010): Technologia informacyjna, czyli wszystko co zawsze chciałeś wiedzieć o Internecie i komputerach ale…”, 3. Frye C. D. (2011): Microsoft Excel 2010 PL. Praktyczne podejście, Helion, Gliwice 4. Hernandez M.J. (2004): Bazy danych dla zwykłych śmiertelników. Mikom, Warszawa. 5. Kowalczyk G. (2010): Word 2010 PL. Kurs, HELION, Gliwice 6. Masłowski K. (2007). Excel. Funkcje w przykładach, Helion, Gliwice 7. Mendrala D., Szeliga M. (2010): ABC systemu Windows 7 PL, Helion, Gliwice 8. Muir N. (2011): Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 PL. Praktyczne podejście, Helion, Gliwice 9. Niedzielska E. (2003): Informatyka ekonomiczna, Wyd. AE im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu 10. Poźniak-Niedzielska M., Szczotka J., Mozgawa M. (2007): Prawo autorskie i prawa pokrewne. Zarys wykładu. Oficyna Wydawnicza BRANTA. 11. Price M. (2011): Office 2010 PL. Seria praktyk, Helion, Gliwice. 12. Williams R. (2003): Jak składać tekst? Komputer nie jest maszyna do pisania. Helion, Gliwice.

Assessment methods: Participation in the activation exercises, participate in discussion forums, theoretical and practical tests (controlled activities), evaluation of the project (teamwork), the assessment of individual tasks.

Comment: Subject in the form of blended learning course on Moodle. The course includes four modules divided into thematic blocks: - Module 1 .: elements of Web 2.0; participatory culture. Copyright: Internet Licenses - Module 2.: basics of information technology, user interface system, word processing, open source software. - Module 3.: a word processor, spreadsheet, database, presentation correct content. - Module 4.: computer graphics: vector and raster, 2D and 3D. Modules will include the content of education, grouped in thematic blocks, in the form of presentation (84) and activating motivating exercises (in the form of quizzes for self-study). Students take an active part in the thematic mailing lists evaluated, as well as performing individual tasks and participate in teamwork co-creating a multimedia presentation, poster, website.