ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BIS10050f16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Analytical Techniques in Biology
Major: Bioinformatics
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr Magdalena Senze, dr inż. Monika Kowalska-Góralska
Language of instruction: Polish
2. The course taught in English if the group has ≥6 students. The course taught in Polish with a possibility of support in English if the group has <6 students

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: W1 - understand the phenomena and chemical processes occurring in nature and in living organisms orazposiada knowledge of analytical techniques applicable in biological research [BI_W06]; W2 - has knowledge of the correct interpretation of the results of analyzes of biological [BI_W04]; W3 - understands the importance of using multi-disciplinary knowledge in the field of biological sciences [BI_W09]; W4 - have knowledge of basic safety rules in analytical laboratories [BI_W18]. Skills: U1 - apply the basic techniques and research tools in the field of biological research [BI_U02]; U2 - independently performs a simple analysis of the chemical analytical laboratory under the supervision of a tutor [BI_U06]; U3 - undertake field studies of biological [BI_U08]; U4 - can take advantage of publicly available databases of biological sciences [BI_U09]. Social competences (attitudes): K1 - understands the need to upgrade their knowledge [BI_K01]; K2 - can interact in a group during field work and laboratory [BI_K02]; K3 - can select the priority tasks and analysis necessary for the test [BI_K03]; K4 - is aware of biodiversity in the world of living organisms and responsible for their existence in nature [BI_K04].


Prerequisites: chemistry, biology

Course content: The course includes discussion of the existing analytical techniques in biological research and take into account the biotic components (plants and animals) and abiotic components (water, sediments, soil) environment. Within the classes are conducted fieldwork to collect research material originating from the environment, and laboratory classes in order to carry out analyzes of the samples taken.

Recommended literature: 1. Hus S.: Chemia wody, ścieków i gnojowicy, Wyd. AR we Wrocławiu 1995; 2. Falniowski A.: Techniki zbioru, utrwalania i konserwacji zwierząt, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2007; 3. Krzywy-Gawrońska E.: Analiza chemiczne gleb, nawozów i roślin, Wyd. AR w Szczecinie 2007; 4. Kajak Z.: Hydrobiologia-limnologia, PWN 2001; 5. Szczerbowski J. A.: Rybactwo śródlądowe, Wyd. Instytutu Rybactwa Śródlądowego, Olsztyn 1993

Assessment methods: Completion of the course: students holding a valid credit Exercise pass a written test of the lectures (20 questions). Assessment takes 45 minutes. If the test is not included in the first term the student has the right again cautioned him orally or in writing within retake. Assessment Exercise: jedenpisemny test to assess (the last class), giving a report of exercises, the current rating (based on oral statements) progress in learning and activity. Attendance at the exercises is mandatory; student can have only one unexcused absence. In the absence excused student is required to pass the relevant part of the material. Assessment exercises based on the average ratings.
