ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BŻS10061f16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Herbs and Other Useful Plants
Major: Food Safety
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: Dr hab. Maria Pytlarz-Kozicka
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student acquires knowledge connected with scientific basis of biology and cultivation of herbs and other useful plants., knows basic agricultural terms, botany systematic, morphological structure, chemical composition and application of herbs and other useful plants; Student possesses knowledge about tillage and the use of particular herbs species and is able to recognize and describe herbs species and can tell the difference in their usage; Student is familiar with technology, production and processing of herb raw materials. Skills: Student possesses skills connected with searching for needed information in order to assess seeding material of herbaceous plants , its useful value , application in medicine, cosmetics and the sequence of its obtaining; Student is able, under tutor`s supervision, do some task regarding the way of preparing herbs mixtures in laboratory conditions; Student can prepare, process and analyze data involving obtaining, cultivation, conservation and application of herbs, Rusing computer technologies and prepare elaboration in a written form; Student is able to make use of acquired knowledge for the purpose of written works and presentations ( in Polish), connected with cultivation and obtaining herb raw materials.

Competences: Student show interest in systematic updating his knowledge on biology and related fields, understands the need of gaining and broadening knowledge; Student is aware of necessity of broadening and updating his knowledge on application and processing of herbs raw materials; as well as technological processes involving herbs processing and conservation.

Prerequisites: Botany, biochemistry, general genetics

Course content: Brief history of herbs science and herbs – based medicine. the meaning of herbs regarding economy, healing properties, the ways of obtaining, using and processing herbs and other useful plants . Environmental and cultivation technology requirements, morphological structure cultivated varieties systematic and development, usage and cultivation, basic elements of cultivation. Students prepare presentation of selected herbs species , with description of herb raw materials , as well as organs and useful parts applied in herb – based medicine , according to given assumptions.

Recommended literature: - Praca zbiorowa pod red. Jasińska Z., Kotecki A. 1999. Szczegółowa uprawa roślin. Wyd. AR W-w. Cz. I i II. - Sandurski M.E. 2007. Prawie wszystko o ziołach. Wyd. II, Wyd. DELTA - Carlsson P. S. 1985. Biologia plonowania. Red. Nauk. wyd. Nalborczyk E. PWRiL W-wa - Podbielkowski Z., i inni. 2003. Słownik roślin użytkowych. PWRiL. - Volk F. 2007. Zioła w kuchni. Wyd. MULTICO - Listy opisowe odmian rolniczych, Wyd. COBORU Słupia Wielka

Assessment methods:
