ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: AGS10030o16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Basics of economic and agricultural law
Major: (Agrobiznes)
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 0 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Bożena Tańska- Hus, dr Monika Przybylska
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Possesses a basic knowledge of the rules of conducting and registration economic activity. Possesses knowledge of the law applicable to the regulation of trade agreements. Knows and understands the basic concepts and principles in the field of agricultural law, distinguishes between legal forms of land management, possesses knowledge about instruments that influence at agricultural area structure. Skills: Possesses ability to conduct an own business activity. Possesses ability to prepare typical commercial contracts . Possesses skills in the interpretation and application of agricultural law . Can use the basic theoretical knowledge to analyze the economic, social phenomena occurring in agricultural production.

Competences: Personal and social competences: Can complement and improve their knowledge and skills. Possesses ability to conduct an own business activity in agribusiness.

Prerequisites: Economy

Course content: Legal basis of conducting business activity, term business activity and entrepreneur, commercial partnerships, legal restrictions of conducting business, conclusion of commercial contracts, types of commercial contracts, agricultural law sources, adjustment of Polish law to EU legislation, legal forms of land management, land protection, inheritance of farms, tax burden on agriculture.

Recommended literature: 1. Tańska-Hus B.: 1996. Wybrane zagadnienia z prawa rolnego. Skrypt Nr 313, Wyd. AR Wrocław 2. Czechowski P., Krzycka-Iwonow M., Prutis S., Stelmachowski A.: 2009. Polskie prawo rolne na tle ustawodawstwa Unii Europejskiej. PWN, Warszawa 3. Kruczalak K.: 2009. Prawo handlowe. Zarys wykładu. Wydawnictwo prawnicze Lexis Nexis 4. Kruczalak K. (red.): 2006. Prawo umów w obrocie handlowym. Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck 5. Koch A., Napierała J.: 2007. Prawo spółek handlowych. Kantor Wydawniczy Zakamycze 6. Jacyszyn A., Skory M.: 2001. Prawo spółek. Wybrane zagadnienia. Wydawnictwo „Park”

Assessment methods: Knowledge: written exam Skills: Assessment of practical skills of preparing applications for registration in Register of Business Activity, Validation of the interpretation of the law regarding the formation of social relations in agriculture. Social competences: evaluation of correctness of the provisions of law interpretation of conducting business activity in agribusiness.
