ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: PSS-10285o16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Environmental ethics
Major: (przedmioty społeczne i humanistyczne)
Study Type: one cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 0
ECTS points: 1
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 0 / 0
Lecturer: Jerzy Luty Ph.D.
Language of instruction: English

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Knows concepts of ethics and ecoethics, defines ethical doctrines, knows selected contemporary environmental ethics’ issues. Is able to indicate the relationship between the humanities and the social and agricultural sciences, forestry, veterinary and natural Skills: Is ably looking for information, analyzes and uses the literature on the subject of the course. Recognizes issues, can act in accordance with applicable standards and principles.

Competences: Social competence: Is able to think and act creatively. Correctly identifies dilemmas associated with making life and work choices, obeys ethical rules.

Prerequisites: Humanities in the high school

Course content: An introduction to the philosophical problems of ecology. Philosophy of nature – the main positions presented in the history of Western philosophy. Religion and nature – great world religions and other primitive and contemporary beliefs systems. Theoretical and empirical evidences of eco-philosophy. The dominant trends in contemporary philosophy of ecology. Environmental ethics – basic values, principles and directions. Deontological aspect of environmental ethics. Environmental awareness and culture. Ecological personality – how to live in accordance with the world and oneselves. Philosophical dimensions of sustainable development. Ecological educator – profession of public trust? Revision.

Recommended literature: Bonenberg M., Etyka środowiskowa. Założenia i kierunki, Kraków 1999, Wyd. UJ. Czartoszewski J.W. (red.), Etyka środowiskowa wyzwaniem XXI w., Warszawa 2002, Wyd. Verbinum. Konstańczak S., Etyka środowiskowa wobec biotechnologii, Słupsk 2003, Wyd. Pomorskiej Akademii Pedagogicznej.Latawiec A., Bugajka G. (red.), Między filozofią przyrody a ekofilozofią, Warszawa 1999, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Kardynała Wyszyńskiego. Luty J., Etyka wybranych zawodów zaufania publicznego, Wrocław 2013, Wyd. WSOWL.

Assessment methods: Passing classes: 2 interterm written tests to assess ongoing evaluation (on the basis of oral statements) progress in learning and activity. Attendance in classes is compulsory; a student can have only one unjustified absence. In the case of excused absence student is required to pass the appropriate part of the material. Passing classes based on grade point average. Completion of the course: students who pass classes are oblige to write a test (multiply choice questions). The test lasts 30 minutes. Rating of the course – 25 % - written test on classes, 25 % - evaluation of the activity, 50 % - evaluation of the test.

Comment: for: Students of 2nd degree in Landscape Architecture (part-time studies, spec.: Chinese and Polish tradition in shaping of the landscape)