ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BCS10424o16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Microbiology
Major: (Biologia człowieka)
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr Jolanta Kucińska
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge Student: W1 - has general knowledge about morphology and activity of microorganisms, viruses and prions [BC1_W06]; W2 - knows the position of microorganisms in the phylogenetic tree of life, describes the microorganisms belonging to the major domains[BC1_W06, BC1_W11]; W3 - describes microbial processes responsible for the transformation of minerals and organic compounds in ecosystems[BC1_W07]; W4 - knows basic microbial ecology and understands interaction between microorganisms and higher organisms, the abiotic environment[BC1_W07, BC1_W15]; W5 - describes the phenotypic and genotypic methods for identification of microorganisms [BC1_W18]; W6 - knows the ways of genetic information transfer in microorganisms [BC1_W08]. Skills Student: U1 - properly handles the laboratory equipment working safely with the microbial material [BC1_U06, BC1_U12, BC1_U15]; U2 - distinguishes between major groups and forms of microorganisms, performs basic morphological diagnostics of bacteria and fungi [BC1_U10]; U3 - has mastered the basic methods and techniques of microscopy and cultivation of microorganisms, correctly selects the microbiological techniques [BC1_U12]; U4 - determines the number and activity of microorganisms in the environment, performs microbiological analysis of air, water and soil [BC1_U06]; U5 - determines effect of environmental factors on microorganisms, selects the optimal conditions for cultivation of bacteria, explains the role of microorganisms in the environment and industry and their impact on human and animal health [BC1_U11]; U6 - properly determines the presence of pathogenic microorganisms associated with economic activity [BC1_U11].

Competences: Personal and social competences (attitudes) Student: K1 - understands the effects of microbial activity in the environment, is aware of the risks to human and animal health arising from the prevalence of potentially pathogenic microorganisms in the environment [BC1_K06]; K2- is aware of the responsibility for tasks performed in the group [BC1_K02]; K3 - has responsibility for the laboratory equipment [BC1_K08]; K4 - understands the importance of compliance with safety rules due to the widespread occurrence of microorganisms [BC1_K09].


Course content: Structure, properties and classification of microorganisms, viruses, and prions. The role of bacteria, fungi and viruses in the environment and their impact on human, animal and plant health. Phenotypic and genotypic methods for identification of bacteria. The metabolic processes of microorganisms as a factor affecting the quality of the environment, food and human health. Significance of microorganisms in biotechnology and industrial production

Recommended literature: 1. Baj J., Markiewicz Z.: Biologia Molekularna Bakterii, PWN, Warszawa, 2009; 2. Gębarowska E., Pietr S.J., Stankiewicz M., Kucińska J., Magnucka E.: Wybrane zagadnienia i materiały do ćwiczeń z mikrobiologii, Wyd. UP we Wrocławiu, 2010; 3. Libudzisz Z., Kowal K., Żakowska Z.: Mikrobiologia techniczna, T.1: Mikroorganizmy i środowiska ich występowania, PWN, Warszawa, 2010; 4. Libudzisz Z., Kowal K., Żakowska Z.: Mikrobiologia techniczna, T.2: Mikroorganizmy w biotechnologii, ochronie środowiska i produkcji żywności, PWN, Warszawa, 2008;

Assessment methods: test of knowledge with open and closed questions written during the last lecture. Knowledge to pass - 55%. The positive evaluation of practical and lectures is obligatory. Final evaluation based on the average positive ratings of the practical and lectures. Classes assesment: one written test evaluated, ongoing evaluation of progress in learning (oral answers and activity). Knowledge to pass - 55%. Obligatory attendance at practical. Up to one unexcused absence is allowed. Required credit of relevant part of the material in case of the absence of a student. Credit of practical on the base of the test, the progress in learning and the activity.
