ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RSSS10302f16
Semester: 2016/2017 summer
Name: Selected aspects of the human and animals physiology
Major: Environmental Protection
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: Prof. dr hab. Wojciech A. Zawadzki
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student defines basic phenomena and physical processes occurring in the environment. Student shows a selection of phenomena and processes. Student distinguishes basic levels of biological organization. Student knows the most important biological processes. OŚ1_W04 Student describes the basic metabolic pathways and selected physiological processes. Practical skills: Student used the simple mathematical tools to interpretation of the results and assess their credibility. Student retains the principle of safety in the laboratory and in the field. Student speaks - basic training - working techniques in the field of biology, microbiology and ecology. Student is able to adapt agricultural production systems - plant and animal - as well as methods of forest management, the environmental conditions. The student has the ability to prepare - in Polish and foreign language -summaries written on specific issues in the field of environmental protection, the use of different sources. The student is able to prepare - in Polish and foreign language - as an oral presentation on specific issues in the field of environmental protection, using a variety of sources and using modern presentation techniques.

Competences: Competences: The student understands the need for learning and lifelong training on issues related to environmental protection. OŚ1_K01 The student observes the principles of professional ethics and the protection of intellectual property rights in the collection and use of data. The student respects the diversity of views and cultures. The student is aware of the responsibility for the quality of their actions and safety work. Student takes care of the entrusted equipment and devices. Students can work individually and as a team, taking on various roles. The student is aware of the shared responsibility for the tasks performed in a group. Student diversity accept opinions of others in situations of conflict tends to compromise. Students apply to the law and the applicable regulations.

Prerequisites: Biophysics, biochemistry, cell biology, nutrition

Course content: General Physiology. The nervous system. Muscles. Internal secretion. Blood and lymph. Blood circulation. Respiration and energy metabolism. Digestion and absorption. Elimination and regulation of water and mineral. Reproduction and lactation.

Recommended literature: Bullock J., Boyle, J., Wang M. B .: Physiology. Urban & Partner Ed. Med. Wroclaw, 1997 .; Dejneka J .: Physiology of domestic animals in outline. Ed. AR Wroclaw, 1995 .; Soul L. (ed.): Animal Physiology with elements of anatomy. Publisher University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Olsztyn, 2001 .; Ganong W .: Physiology. Fundamentals of medical physiology. Ed. PZWL, Warsaw, 1994 .; Konturek S .: Human Physiology. Volume I-V. Ed. Jagiellonian University, Cracow, 1990-1998 .; Krzymowski T., Przała J. (eds.): Animal Physiology. National Agricultural and Forestry Publishing House Warsaw, 2005.

Assessment methods: Examination in writing in the form of multiple choice test. The pass mark is credit positive assessment subjects and tests.
