ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IAS10339o16
Semester: 2016/2017 summer
Name: Construction and Preservation of Landscape Architecture Objects (II)
Major: Landscape Architecture
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 6
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Monika Ziemiańska, mgr inż. Aleksandra Machowska
Language of instruction: Polish / English
The course only in Polish with possibility of individual support in English. Contact person: mgr inż. Aleksandra Machowska

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: (30 % of evaluation) -1. The student possesses the knowledge about selected specific topics related to greenery maintenance. 2. The student knows the rules of vegetation inventory. 3. The student has the knowledge about selected specific topics related to gardening engineering. Skills 1. The student practically determines the needs and guidelines concerning the design and construction works of various specialist branches for landscape architecture structures. 2. The student, during the works on the development of green areas, is able to use more specialised knowledge about selected issues of greenery maintenance.

Competences: Social competences ( grounds ): (20% of evaluation) 1. The student is aware of the complexity of the issues of landscape architecture structures. 2. The student is aware of the complexity of the issues of the natural environment and the importance of the knowledge in landscape architecture.

Prerequisites: Knowledge resulting from studying the subjects: Construction and Preservation Landscape Architecture Objects (I); Vegetation and Fauna; Building Engineering and Construction Materials in Landscape Architecture; Designing Landscape Architecture Structures; Biology of Plants; Law, Economics and Management, Technical Equipment for Greenery Maintenance; Geodesy

Course content: The aim of the subject Construction and Preservation Landscape Architecture Objects (II) is to prepare the student to conduct investment in building and maintaining landscape architecture structures of different complexity. The course discusses maintenance reports concerning e.g. greenery maintenance, the development, modelling, conservation and protection of urban green areas; threats, and legal and organisational measures. A substantial part of the lectures is composed of the issues arising from investment supervision over the executed works during the construction and maintenance of landscape architecture structures. Replanting trees, the preparatory process and acclimatisation, tree replanting methods. Irrigation and drainage systems in landscape architecture. Developing green areas in open landscape. Plant protection against pests and diseases. The legal basis of using plant protection measures; using, packaging and trading plant protection products, the maintenance of trees. The diagnosis of crown and trunk damage, damage prevention within the roots and trunk.

Recommended literature: 1. Mattheck c., Breloer H., 1994, Field guide for Visual Tree Assessment (VTA), Arboriculture Jurnal 1994, Vol. 18, 1-23s., Great Britain; 2*. Monika Ziemiańska, Marzena Suchocka 2013, The planning and principles of tree protection in the investment process; Tree protection at the construction site. in Sustainable Development Applications Journal 2013 Nr 4 s. 67-83, s. 11-25 3. Monika Ziemiańska (Моника Земяньска), Łukasz Dworniczak (Лукаш Дворничак) Rozdział: 5. Необходимые принципы посадки придорожных деревьев и надзора за работами str. 165 – 193 (29 str.) 4. Ziemiańska M., 2014, (w) Drzewa w krajobrazie – podręcznik praktyka, pod red. Tyszko-Chmielowiec P., Witkoś-Gnach K. (rozdziały 5, 6, 7 ,8) 2014, FER, Wrocław. 5. Siewniak M., Kusche D., 1994, Baum pflege heute, Berlin, 6. Łabanowski G., Orlikowski L., Soika G., Wojdyła A., Korbin M., 2001, (1) Ochrona ozdobnych pnączy, (2) Ochrona róż, (3) Ochrona roślin wrzosowatych, (4) Ochrona ozdobnych krzewów liściastych, (5) Ochrona drzew i krzewów liściastych, Wydawnictwo Plantpress, Kraków; Optional: 7. Raszka B., Zienkiewicz A., Kalbarczyk R., Kalbarczyk E. 2014. Revitalization of urban courtyards in Wrocław (southwestern Poland). Polish Journal of Natural Sciences 29(3): 225-237. 8. Kalbarczyk R. Próba wydzielenia regionów termiczno-opadowych na obszarze Polski. Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. Agricultura 231(92): 27-38. 10. Szczepanowska B., 2002, Drzewa w mieście, Hortpress, Warszawa,

Assessment methods: Passing the test on the content of the lectures, evaluation of the performed tasks during the 3 series of the classes. Skills Evaluation of the accepted course of work on the tasks during the classes and awarding a credit for them. Social competences Evaluation of individual and group performance, discussion during the classes. The examination result.

Comment: Continuation of the course Construction and Preservation of Landscape Architecture Objects I