ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RRSS20341o15
Semester: 2015/2016 summer
Name: Environmental management
Major: Agriculture
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: Prof. dr hab. Lesław Zimny, dr hab. Maria Pytlarz-Kozicka
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Student has deep knowledge about agricultural land management, the impact of agriculture on environment and the formation of human-environment relation. Student acquires theoretical knowledge about scientific fundamentals of environmental management and the most important tasks for environmental protection. Skills:Student interprets and assesses the results of degradation of the environment by industry and agriculture. Student is able to conduct the research in contamination of plant and animal products with detrimental compounds. Student is able to prepare the written report on his/her own on crop production or the effect of agriculture on environment.

Competences: Student is acquired with activities for the reduction of risk in crop production on environment. Student recommends the crop production retaining the rules of environmental protection. Student understands the need of self-training and professional skill enhancement.

Prerequisites: Botany, soil science, biochemistry, genetics, plant physiology, soil and crop management.

Course content: Basic notions - natural environment, ecosystem, international law the protection of the environment. Factors degrading environment and their results. The signification the soil in the nature and the economy the man.. Cause of the degradation of soils. The recultivation of soils demoted - the method. The influence of the industry on the natural environment. Pollutes of natural waters.Results of the degradation of the environment. Source of the dirt’s of the air. The definitions of fertilizers, limitations relating to applying the fertilizers - legal controls. The threat for environments connected with applying fertilizers. Pesticides, the weed of the protection of plants, definitions, division, signification in the protection of plants, active substances, toxicity, the periods of prevention and preharvest interval. Legal conditions in protection of plants, the principle of applying the pesticides. Occurrence of the remainder of the centers of the protection of plants in cultivations and in the food. The environment of plants, livestock and humans. Modern agricultural techniques anti-erosion solutions. Diseases of the soil as the effects of "modern agricultural technology". Conservation tillage - environment-friendly cultivation technology. The role of trees in landscaping. Design of mid-field shelterbelts. Good Agricultural Practice in shaping the environment. Protection of valuable natural habitats. Ecological areas. Natural and social conditions of the concept of sustainable agriculture. Shaping the environment in different regions of the world. Rotation functions in modern agriculture. Designing crop rotations erosion and rehabilitation. Evaluation of environmental degradation through soil organic matter balance in crop rotation.

Recommended literature: 1. Bogacz A., Kabała C., Karczewska A., Szopka K. 2010. Zasoby naturalne i zrównoważony rozwój. Wyd. UP we Wrocławiu 2. Dobrzańska B., Dobrzański G., Kiełczowski D. 2009. Ochrona środowiska przyrodniczego. PWN, Warszawa 2009. 3. Ilnicki P. 2004. Polskie rolnictwo a ochrona środowiska. Wyd. AR w Poznaniu. 4. Karczewska A. 2008. Ochrona gleb i rekultywacji terenów zdegradowanych. Wyd. UP we Wrocławiu 5. Karg J., Karlik B., 1993. Zadrzewienia na obszarach wiejskich. Wyd. ZBŚRiL PAN, Poznań 6. Polski Kodeks Dobrej Praktyki Rolniczej. Gleba – woda – powietrze. IUNG, Puławy 1999. 7. Rośliny inwazyjne Dolnego Śląska. PKE, Wrocław 2007. 8. Siuta J. Gleba – diagnozowanie stanu i zagrożenia. IOŚ, Warszawa 1995.

Assessment methods:
